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All Content by cristy13

  1. MDC Spring 2012 :)

    Hi Jael! Yes, what you said is right. Our classes aren't going to be held in homestead, I spoke to Elena this morning. Thank God because that would've been a long drive! =/ My clinicals are going to be held at Coral Gables as well, I'm happy about th...
  2. MDC Spring 2012 :)

    Jael11, Do you know if our classes at baptist are going to be at the same hospital where we were interviewed because at the top of the schedule it says Campus/location: 520 homestead outreach??
  3. MDC Spring 2012 :)

    Hi all future nurses!!!! I am looking forward to meeting you all! I also got accepted as a Baptist scholar! I am so excited and can't wait to begin!