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About ClearBlueOctoberSky

Used to be a Paramedic, now I'm a Nurse. Daughter, Sister, Friend, Pack Leader. I draw on experience that I have and experience from others, I don't know all the answers, and wing it a lot of the time, but admit when I am wrong, and love to learn.

Latest Activity

  1. Can’t a nurse be fired?

    The issue comes from the State. Because of the abuse laws that have been enacted, this is most likely considered a Self-Reportable Incident. If substantiated, the Nursing Home can receive an Immediate...
  2. How would you react? Body odor discussion.

    In Skilled Rehab and in long term care, if State inspectors come in, smell offensive odors, or notice a Resident that has bad body odor, the facility could be tagged on dignity and in providing...
  3. We are human too

    I currently work LTC/Memory Care. I get told "I love you" all the time, in which I reply "Aw. I love you too." There is no feeling behind the sentiment, it is a validation statement made for that...
  4. When Your Doctor Doesn't Listen

    Paying for Medicare! Yes. My mom has Tricare, and is still required to carry Medicare B, which I pay for to the tune of over 400 for three months. I also struggle with the Dr/patient relationships for...
  5. questioning state reporting regulations

    I work in our secured neighborhood for Dementia, and we don't report every RTRA. For it to be reportable, the Resident has to demonstrate understanding of the incident and there has to be significant...
  6. ixchel's 8/15 This Week I Have Learned...

    I'm sorry you misconstrued the true meaning of my post, and I wasn't very clear with that, and offended you. I understand about trying to keep ahead. Although I don't have children, I do care for...
  7. ixchel's 8/15 This Week I Have Learned...

    I love Melba toast. It is actually very light and crisp. Yummy with Jalapeno jam and cream
  8. ixchel's 8/15 This Week I Have Learned...

    Don't slack on the re-take. I did that last semester with A&P 1. In the end I pulled it together, but's my bad thinking that since it is my umpteenth time taking A&P, it would be...
  9. ixchel's 8/15 This Week I Have Learned...

    Thank you. I don't have children, and now I might have to go buy some to
  10. ixchel's 8/15 This Week I Have Learned...

    I think I'm in withdrawal from working. Going from working 50 to 60 hours a week as a Nurse manager back to part-time floor nurse has left me feeling discombobulated and feeling I don't know what to...
  11. Does this make a bad nurse/aide?

    Yeah, that happens sometimes. I wouldn't feel bad, for it isn't a TERRIBLE mistake. The nurse probable should have asked what you needed it for, and then dolloped some out into a medicine cup, or...
  12. This week, I have learned... (8/8)

    Ixchel, There are those of use who try very, very hard to NOT send out our Dementia patients; because of everything you mentioned. It is heartbreaking to be suspected of abuse because your Dementia...
  13. Hmm, I have made Dill Pickle Soup with vegetables. Tasty. ETA in response to the complaint of the "vegebal" soup.
  14. Nervous Patients

    I'm one of those patients. Honestly, no matter what you say to me, isn't going to matter, and I don't really hear half of what you are saying. I am so worked up in my head, even though I know and...
  15. Got surprised at work yesterday.
