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All Content by BrooklynRN11201

  1. empty thread (sorry)

    nevermind, sorry, I should have searched the site first - found exactly what I was looking for :)
  2. First Job - Not A Great Facility, Take It Or No?

    very very helpful, thank you!! nice to know all EDs have their fair share of unruly patients :) I got the job, now I just need to pass the boards, whoopie! only downer is it's for the night shift, but apparently that's how all the nurses are hired i...
  3. Ok, now what?!

    ha! I'm pretty much in the same boat, only I did a two month externship in the ER after I graduated nursing school and it's THAT facility that hired me. I'm not even licensed yet - sitting for boards on 9/4. Anyway, what I think helped me a bit (si...
  4. Tasks that are left for the floor

    speaking of, I remember we had an ETOH withdrawal with DTs and seizures admitted to the ICU. he was being sedated with boluses of propofol but our ED doesn't have the bottles for drip on the unit. we SBARed the patient and followed up a few times t...
  5. Tasks that are left for the floor

    sounds like the floor nurses have you where they want you if you're delaying care to other pts just to baby an admitted pt. I think it might make sense to set some boundaries so that they don't expect these things from you. I know you're a new nurs...
  6. Vital sign Documentation In ER

    our monitors do RR as well.
  7. Hi all, I did a quick search and found some very general interview advice, but I'm specifically looking for any tips/tricks when it comes to ED nurse position interviews... I'm sure it's pretty self explanatory ("I learn quickly, I'm very bright, I w...
  8. ED Nurse Position - New Grad, Interview TOMORROW

    many thanks for your help! I got the job!! :) now I just need to pass my boards!
  9. IV insertion problems

    In my facility, we only get two tries on a patient before we have to grab someone else to try. I had a patient who told me I only got two chances once - I told her okay and proceeded to use a pediatric angiocath. There's several reasons why patien...
  10. Vital sign Documentation In ER

    not to mention relying on the monitor for accurate vitals - I feel the human component is necessary for documentation of vitals, though it is time consuming. our EMR allows PCTs to document vitals and we approve them in the system, therefore documen...
  11. EBP in the ER

    not sure if this is helpful, but I use Chlorhexidine to cleanse, I let it dry, and then I use alcohol before insertion since it's easier to feel the vein with alcohol, your finger slides over it better. just my .02
  12. I don't need a PCP- I have the ER.

    that's why there's "Fast Track" where patients are seen for non critical complaints by NPs and PAs - usually a much longer wait time too. I suppose it depends on the health complaint, but I know my ED doesn't give MRIs for back pain - CTs sure, but M...
  13. ETOH and OD Census

    We have an "MMU" (Medical Management Unit) or in other words "drunk tank" - they all get their clothes and belongings bagged and locked up in the dirty utility room, special yellow gowns put on them (that signal the patient has altered mental status)...
  14. New nurses in the ER

    fantastic, thank you! I'm a new grad, scheduled to take the boards on 9/4 and had an externship in the ED this summer - I am interviewing with them tomorrow morning and would LOVE to start my career working in the ED! Having an externship in the u...
  15. First Job - Not A Great Facility, Take It Or No?

    thank you all for your helpful advice and comments, particularly the last one by MassED! I have an interview with this facility tomorrow morning, and I think they're considering me for a day shift position since the day shift ADN will also be inter...
  16. Help!! I'm shut out of the NCLEX exam!

    I have to agree with everyone else - it has absolutely nothing to do with your GPA or how much money you spent. Passing at my school was 73% and it was 76% if you had to repeat a course. You could only repeat a course once - if you failed another, ...
  17. Attn: RN Preceptors - questions for you

    Hi guys, I searched first and didn't find much on this, but was wondering if you could give me some tips/tricks on succeeding at my summer externship. I really want to hit it off with my preceptor (we have 7 12-hour shifts together) and am hoping th...
  18. Attn: RN Preceptors - questions for you

    thanks again for all the fantastic advice! I'm entering week 3 of the program and am in LOVE with the ED so far. I enjoy the quick turnaround - I get to provide care for new patients over and over, each with a different set of issues. It's a grea...
  19. Swollen Feet!

    I'm switching to the exciting world of nursing as a career change. Just graduated last month and got an GN Externship at a local hospital working in the ED this summer while studying for the NCLEX - pretty awesome experience so far. I love everythi...
  20. Do nurses usually work 3 12-hour shifts a week for full pay?

    you'll be required to get your BLS on your own time with your own money, as well as your own malpractice insurance and medical clearance (vaccinations, etc.) before starting clinicals - it's an issue of patient safety and liability... yes you will be...
  21. Yay! I'm getting pinned!!

    I just have to say, that last final on Monday was a make it or break it moment for me. I took off from work on Friday and Monday to have 4 full days of studying - didn't shower, wore the same clothes, pretty much didn't move from my desk. I was sup...
  22. Advice needed on live birth and c-section

    I experienced something during my first semester of clinicals that shook me so hard, I got dizzy and nauseous and had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom to cry. It was just so sad and it hit me in a very personal way. Anyway, I can understand...
  23. need some help/guidance with a peds care plan

    agree with the above on teaching parents on safety and prevention of recurring aspiration - that should be a big one and could be more of a long term goal as it relates to discharge. I would also consider "on day of care" as short term goals and "b...
  24. Confusing shoe restrictions!

    the white is pretty obvious - you want to be able to see any blood/bodily fluids or meds on the tops of your shoes. the canvas and high vamp is to prevent injury from dropping things. canvas provides little protection from falling needles. you're ...
  25. Need help with careplan please

    sorry to tell you, but I actually LOVED care plans and my school required me to use their format as well... I don't think a single one took me any less than 8 hours. I can totally empathize with going to nursing school while working (what I've done ...