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About nursen06

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  1. Where are you from?

    I'm currently in the Peace River area in Northern Alberta.
  2. Medical assistants take vitals, have to know medical terminology, assist the MD with office clinical tasks, filing & form procedures etc. I've never heard of any medical assistant program lasting...
  3. MRSA Room-mates?

    not surprising at all. if there's an opening anywhere you can contract mrsa. to the op, i've seen mrsa and non-mrsa residents share a room. this infuriates me because when the mrsa resident leaves...
  4. Change of shift funtime!

  5. HI! I'm new! Couple questions/Nurses

    welcome! you can make your dreams come true if you put her heart and soul into your studies. congrats on reaching for your dream of becoming an lpn.
  6. New nurse scared to talk to doctors!!

    i totally understand how the op feels. when i worked in an md's office i hadn't had too many dr's yelling at me, i've had a few charts tossed at me.......from the younger docs having little temper...
  7. Charting for physician

    Definately out of your scope. I would never chart for a physician. Don't put your license or rep on the
  8. Nurses and smoking......

    Tell me about it, i'm quitting in march. Sadly, i've talked to the DON and have gotten nowhere. Thinking about home care until i get my
  9. How do you stay awake?

    I work in the continuing care unit and i do alot of night shifts as well as evenings. I find the hardest part is around 0400 just before residents start ringing. I always feel run down at that time....
  10. Nurses and smoking......

    Sadly at my place of work, about 90% of the nurses & aides are smokers. I don't have a problem with their smoking habits, to each their own.....but what i do have a problem with is the fact that...
  11. Help with hopeless horrible nurse's aides

    Our facility would not function without CNA's. I heard one LPN say yesterday that she usually doesn't 'work the floor' just does meds & the like?! Of course she was the minority. Alot more...