

Transition nursing and couplet care

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About Emmasmom03

Emmasmom03 has 3 years experience and specializes in Transition nursing and couplet care.

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  1. No she was offered her last choice, but it is likely because she did an externship on the same type of floor. It was cardiac step down focusing on transplants and LVADS. She wanted CVICU. Ultimately...
  2. My daughter was offered a position
  3. Nothing HCA does would surprise
  4. Average call time

    Mine is around 5 minutes on an average day. My calls vary widely though and are mostly easy issues like pink eye, strep and stomach flu. So my call time is short on those as they are super
  5. Anyone know how long this is taking now? I applied in February and have gotten the TPP, but not my regular
  6. Honestly it was a very boring program that focused on a lot of busywork, but I finished it and got my degree and kept a good
  7. 8 Work From Home Jobs

    I work from home as well. No worries about being late as I have to punch in and have to be on to take calls during my hours. I love it. I don't have to get dressed, but I usually do unless I am...
  8. School Shootings

    Honestly one thing we have got to do is to stop glamorizing guns. I am on another site called Nextdoor which is for people who live around next. Every single day there is a thread about a "potential"...
  9. Pro Life Beliefs and Nursing

    I worked in Women's and still was not an issue. The only time I remember something remotely similar was a woman who was less than 20 weeks and who was dilated and contracting and maybe an infection??...
  10. Day vs Night Personalities

    I think it just depends. I am very laid back so night shift at the hospital was great for me, but with new mom's and babies it could be tough as night as we also had to act as lactation consultants as...
  11. Average call time

    I think my call time is pretty low. I am at about five minutes for the actual call, not including documentation time. I know I go fast, but so many of the calls are about strep or ear infections....
  12. New to triage and feeling incompetent!

    Not long at all. Just started this year. And yes, we have lots of protocols and work
  13. HCA thoughts? StaRN program?

    I would say no personally. I may have a different view. I used to work for a hospital in Houston that was bought out by HCA last August. At first it was fine, but starting the beginning of this year...
  14. New to triage and feeling incompetent!

    Telephone triage nursing is so different than what most people think. Some days go really well and you feel like you have the hang of the job and then the next day you feel like every decision you...
  15. Actual job requirements of teletriage

    My job truly is just triaging. I don't have to answer questions about directions to the office and I do not make the appointments myself. We have coordinators who do that part of the job. I just...