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About ernurse167

ernurse167 has 6 years experience and specializes in ER.

Latest Activity

  1. New Nurse Looking For ER Advice

    If you are willing to relocate for your dream ER job, it can be done as a new grad. I have found that large teaching hospitals tend to be much more inclined to the hiring of new grads in the ED. I work in a 90 bed ED and we hire in batches of 15-20 n...
  2. Can a new grad work in the ER?

    I work in a 90 bed Level 1 Trauma center and we hire new grads in batches of 15-20. I don't think it's the greatest idea, but noone asked me:/ The majority do well and even flourish, but we do lose a few every cycle. Thankfully we just ship them upst...
  3. What's your patient load?

    Level 1 Trauma Unit 3:1 in all areas except hold area which is 4:1 and Resus Bays which are 3:2.
  4. Triage complaints- the good, the bad, and the shocking.

    "I think I might have been drugged last night at the bar by a hairdresser because my bangs are shorter than usual and I don't remember getting a haircut." At a Level 1 Trauma center at 1AM.
  5. How do you decompress/debrief?

    LOL, I work in an ED at a Catholic hospital, that would be the perfect name for our informal staff meetings. :cheers:
  6. How do you decompress/debrief?

    Eggs and Kegs with the rest of the 7P to 7A ER nurses always works for me:)