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About hollykate

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  1. Information On Nursing School Before 1972

    you know, I still give up my seat for an MD, IF there is no other seat available and the MD needs to do some writing. Usually I'm right in front of the computer where the MD wants to check labs. But...
  2. Graduating in May...

    Apply now. Not later. Most students are interviewing right now for the jobs. As far as how hard and easy, it depends on you, what type of position you want etc. I foudn ti easy to find a job but...
  3. Information On Nursing School Before 1972

    my 88 yr old Grandmother went to Nursing school at Syracuse University probably sometime in 1930 or so. She describes all sorts of things, and is even impressed that I am allowed to take a blood...
  4. Chiari Malformation?

    I'd recommend you head to the hospital that does the most, with good outcomes. 1-2 a year is not enough. 300+ sounds nice, but is it over the past 30 years or is it over the past 8 years. I used...
  5. she tried to access mediport, it was really a pacer

    Well, a pacer and a port are sometimes in similar locations and both usually appear as a bump under the skin. I suppose it might be easy to look at them and make the error. However, before trying to...
  6. Depends on the situation. Some people are snide and silly: example is one doc who walked out of a room and told me to go in and ask the able bodied pt to put on a gown. She informed me she didn't...
  7. she tried to access mediport, it was really a pacer

    I don't think this has anythig to do with IV teams or not. It is more one nurse, who was
  8. How To Shadow A Nurse

    I shadowed a nurse before I went to school. I will say it was a completely useless after noon and did not help me decide that nursing was or was not for me. The school set up the shadowing...
  9. going down south

    your pay is going to be a bit lower in the carolinas. But the Cost of living is also less that Long Island. You probably had that figured out though. I've never worked anywhere excpt the piedmont,...
  10. I Need Advice from Experienced Nurses...

    Depends on what you want. Really think about what you want/need based on money considerations, and job responsibilities, and opportunities. Some areas, LPN's will not be hired into psych. In other...
  11. Asking Questions

    Once you get more experience, you will realize that there are not that many things you "SHOULD" know. (Except perhaps how to recognize V. Tach on a monitor and act appropriately about it. ) There...
  12. It seems to me that it is beyond just the preceptor. One can have a great preceptor, but if the rest of the department is making catty comments and being snotty it's almost a given that the nurse...
  13. When patients discuss other patients.

    I hate it when there is a screaming patient in one room and my patient wants to know all the details. In some ways it is very nice that they show any concern for someone else, but it is usually just...
  14. nursing schools in southeast NC

    Have you considered a BSN program? I wanted to go to GTCC, but went to UNC because it had less of an applicant pool. I then got a NC nurses scholarship which paid for it. As an in state student the...
  15. Increase in I&D's in the South?

    Incision and