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All Content by s.trotman

  1. Unemployed for 3 years

    Hello Everyone, Yesterday I have recieved a letter from the College of Nurses stating if I have not practiced nursing in three years my liscence will be from General Class to Non Practice. I am frustrated because I have worked so hard to earn my lis...
  2. Unemployed for 3 years

    Thank you everyone for your advise and sugguestions! I have been searching fornwork outside the GTA and I have landed a job in Pickering at a Retirement home. I also completed so cerifications for the mean time to keep me up to date with my skills an...
  3. Unemployed for 3 years

    I do not drive but I am planning on staying at my relatives in mississauga if I have to work in Hamilton! I will be heading down to Peel Region to send some resumes.
  4. Unemployed for 3 years

    Thank you
  5. Unemployed for 3 years

    Thank You!
  6. Unemployed for 3 years

    I forgot to mention I am a Registered Practical Nurse from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  7. Unemployed for 3 years

    I have sent my resume and cover letter to a career coach two months ago I still have not recieved a response. I just asked a friend of mine to see if she can help me out. I will consider checking out the Careers Department at my School to see if they...