RainDreamer BSN, RN


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All Content by RainDreamer

  1. RainDreamer


    I contacted HRSA because I hadn't received mine yet either. I was told there had been a delay in sending them out, but that it should arrive in the mail by mid-May.
  2. RainDreamer

    So Cal new grad wanting to move to Phoenix area

    St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center and Maricopa Medical Center are a couple of big/busy hospitals that usually hire new grads in the central Phx area. I'd also suggest Banner Good Sam, but not sure what Banner is doing with hiring as of right ...
  3. RainDreamer

    So Cal new grad wanting to move to Phoenix area

    Not too many hospitals in the valley are hiring nurses right now, especially new grads. But the fact that you're willing to work in any area, is a huge advantage for you. Even with the hiring freezes, I would think med/surg nurses are still in grea...
  4. RainDreamer

    phoenix nicus

    I would call around to any and every NICU ...... I'm not sure if any NICUs in the valley are hiring right now.
  5. RainDreamer


    I wouldn't recommend ordering from there if you need it any time soon. If you have no time constraints though, go for it because the prices are pretty good.
  6. RainDreamer

    Parents never cease to surprise me

    It must be, because that's always why the mec screens turn up positive!
  7. RainDreamer

    German nurse

    Hi and welcome to allnurses! :) It's great to have you here!
  8. RainDreamer

    Charge nurse with less than a year RN experience???!!

    That's tough. I would seriously think about going up the chain of command and/or looking for another job. If a hospital is willing to put a nurse with no experience in a role like charge nurse, then it's probably not somewhere you want to work anyw...
  9. RainDreamer

    Charge nurse with less than a year RN experience???!!

    I don't know, but I wouldn't want to work under a charge nurse with no experience to find out!
  10. RainDreamer

    Charge nurse with less than a year RN experience???!!

    Sure she can develop skills. But she doesn't have the experience under her belt that a charge nurse needs. Experience is a must have.
  11. RainDreamer

    Charge nurse with less than a year RN experience???!!

    I was put in that same situation at my first job as a nurse. I had only been off orientation for about 3 months and they wanted to start training me to be charge. Yeah, I don't think so! Needless to say I left. I worked way too damn hard for my li...
  12. RainDreamer


    Great news! Congratulations to you!! :)
  13. RainDreamer

    ha, made me laugh

    Hahaha! Not a strict parent .... just a crazy one. Seriously thought, makes you wonder how these kids make it when they go home with these people.
  14. RainDreamer

    Beware the NNOC

    Definitely a rally! And a celebration party :smiley_aa
  15. RainDreamer

    Beware the NNOC

    ITA. Thanks for posting this information.
  16. RainDreamer

    Do RN first assists get paid alot?

    What exactly is an RN First Assist? Are they employees of your hospital? Registry? We don't use those, but we usually have one or two nurses on call each shift. If we're called in, we get double time. I'm usually excited to go in too if I'm calle...
  17. RainDreamer

    Managing O2 changes in preemie

    Excellent post by LovetheNICU When I have a baby that does what you describe, the main thing I look at is how old the baby is. Is this a new 24 weeker? If it's a 24 weeker that is only days to a week old, and they continue to desat (up/down with t...
  18. A butt patter. Would sure make life in the NICU much better!
  19. RainDreamer

    Health Unit Coordinator

    I can't see our HUCs going anywhere ...... I honestly don't know how we'd make it without them.
  20. RainDreamer

    banner layoffs

    Are they making budget cuts at all? Or just laying people off? Banner has very competitive pay, great differentials (20% night shift), and double time for extra shifts. But none of that is being cut? They're just laying off? Everyone is hurting ....
  21. RainDreamer


    Where would I even begin ...?!
  22. RainDreamer


    In a perfect world, yes. But CPS will just do like they usually do ......... nothing.
  23. RainDreamer


    I just saw the one that mentions another of his patients is pregnant with quads, not octuplets. Still, way too many embryos were implanted in thise case also. http://www.latimes.com/features/health/medicine/la-me-octuplets13-2009feb13,0,457763.story
  24. RainDreamer

    Anyone Required To Take ERI?

    I know a lot of people here have said they're required to pass HESI before graduation, but is anyone required to take ERI? That's what we have to take in order to graduate, the ERI RN Assessment. We get 3 chances. I took it the first time before sp...
  25. RainDreamer

    phoenix nicus

    Where at in Phx? IN Phoenix? Central? West Valley? East Valley? South? North?