You stopped to make a video when a patient was yelling he couldn't breathe? Surely you are not serious. This might be a troll post, but I'll respond anyway. Maybe do some self-reflection, how you...
I think you are being a bit harsh, MMJ. The OP has thanked other members for their advice and stated she understands the opportunity being presented to her- though upset initially. I get it, we want...
Right, I was thinking the same thing, maybe that it is more of a QI project. Without seeing the article, I wonder if the "interview" was more of the kind of interview a case manager would do when...
My answer here is based on my experiences as a clinical instructor in the last semester before graduation. So when my students finish with me, they are ready to be precepted as new grad GN/RNs. I...
The recommendation for DNP by 2020 was just that. It is not a requirement or a mandate. However, many programs converted from MSN to DNP in anticipation. The rumor persists and there was never an...
Most nurse educators are MSN-prepared. Academia seems to be the only place where you would actually get paid more to have a doctorate, but why not find out whether you enjoy teaching before taking...
One of the best things about nursing was that it made me a better person. More mature, because I had to grow up pretty quick. Not that I was immature or bad before that, but I had to get better...
Agreed. I broke my foot a couple years ago and it just was not that painful even though it was a comminuted fracture. Ice and elevation really worked wonders. Obviously another patient's experience...
This is fascinating. The online version took more of your time as an instructor? How so? the online discussion? Learning the tech? I found BlackBoard to be a non-intuitive interface; using it for...
Great article! Thanks for writing these. I second everything, especially the part about really wanting students to succeed and being willing to support that. It's definitely true that having a...