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All Content by npedrena

  1. Need advice & study partner!!

    hello rj, i too am looking for a atudy partner in my area. i live around los angeles. im preparing for the nclex as well. u could email me at [email protected] we could discuss things then. hope to hear from you. natasha
  2. Online Study Partners

    chris, i am so sorry to hear of your sad news. i pray for your health and optimism during this time. God Bless you. natasha
  3. Online Study Partners

    i'm trying to find a study partner in my area. i live in los angeles and am reviewing for my NCLEX. so basically i'm good to review anything relating to nursing. pls let me know ir ur interested and/or if you know someone who might be in the area. t...
  4. Need advise please, failed Nclex-pn

    hello, let me tell you first and foremost...i totally feel you. like many ppl who have failed the first time, i can relate. when i read ur post i felt like i was reliving the experience. i took the boards a few months too long ago and because of th...