I'm not an OB nurse, but I just happen to be an RN who is 36 wks pregnant with baby #2 - very uncomfortable right now as well! All I can say is hang in there!! :) I don't know if this is your first...
INtoFL_RN replied to oldiebutgoodie's topic in General Nursing
Our hospital is putting forth a pretty good effort to address this, and thankfully our docs are cooperating well. It's a JCAHO thing, which ultimately leads to a reimbursement thing. Since we are a...
One of my strategies is to get to the Pyxis early in the morning and get all my meds out that I will need for the "0900 med rush". This may or may not work for you, depending on how your unit is set...
the advice you've been given so far is all great. i can add a couple things... -since you're at a teaching hospital, make sure you follow the "chain of command" when calling docs. -at the beginning of...
Our small community hospital's compliance officer says that we can err on the side of giving out general information rather than withholding it (unless that pt has asked to remain...
I started out as a new grad in tele as well. I loved it so much that I'm still doing it 4 years later. Learning the ins and outs of cardiac rhythms was and still is fascinating to me, so I didn't have...
The posters on this thread have made great points about this. The best thing I ever did for my career started before I even graduated nursing school - I got a job as a Student Nurse Extern at a large...
I tend to believe in the benefits of vaccination not only for individuals, but for public health as a whole. I vaccinate my child, and I got the Hep B, influenza, and pertussis booster for work. My...
I was out for a little over 2 years. I applied for only one job just because it was a day shift per diem position in an area of nursing that I was familiar with. The position was filled just as soon...
INtoFL_RN replied to enfermeraSG's topic in Ob/Gyn
I'm not an OB nurse, but when I was in our hospital's ACLS class a month or so ago, the nurse next to me was leafing through the materials for the OB-ACLS class. From what I saw, it really isn't...
While the arguments against the tracking devices are all good points, I still like the one we use on our unit. It really does aid our communication. The first hospital I even worked at had no tracking...
I figured this would be the forum to come to with a question like this...I've never done peds nursing, so I don't know all the tricks to get kids to take their meds! I have so much respect for what...
Can't think of a bunch right now, but some that come to mind are insulin and oral hypoglycemics. Try to know the different insulin's onset and duration, what can be mixed together and what can't (like...
INtoFL_RN replied to Christie RN2006's topic in General Nursing
I just took ACLS a couple of weeks ago, and it wasn't that bad. I second what Chip said above - understand what the drugs do, don't just memorize what drug for what rhythm by rote. The class now...
While I'm not familiar with ripivocaine in particular I did find info on Lidocaine toxicity. Check out this link...Emedicine Lidocaine toxicity Toxicity from ripivocaine makes sense, if the block was...