Mona Mona

Mona Mona BSN, RN


About Mona Mona

Latest Activity

  1. What would you do?

    I, personally, am getting my ADN. Everyone's situation varies though. My ADN is still going to take about 4.5-5.5 years though. I have been on the waiting list since November 2004. I am taking my...
  2. Doctors who dont listen or dont care

    Oh my! All I cay say is maybe write up your night in a non-emotional way, and keep going up the chain of command until you find someone who will listen. I am only taking my pre-req's, not even in...
  3. *** A&P II Winter 2006 Club ***

    Hmmm. I am confused reading all of these posts. Maybe it's because I am getting my ADN at a Community College? But, I am taking just plain ole' Anatomy and Physiology, period. No "I" and "II". Here...
  4. Lets hear it for the good nurses!

    Wow, dorselm! I was going on the Accounting/Business track! And totally switched gears to go into the medical field.......You can PM me at any time you need to talk/vent/be scared. :) I just keep the...
  5. Lets hear it for the good nurses!

    Keep the stories coming! As a person on wait list for nursing school, it was getting discouraging reading all of the negative posts. This thread is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I hope one day, I can work with,...
  6. Devastated

    Wow! I'm so sorry this happened! I have no good advice....because that is so shady and scary to me. I am only taking pre-requisites now, and not even in school yet....but these are the kinds of...
  7. Do you think you would like working nights? I am just taking my pre-requisites, not even in school yet, but from my past work experiences, do what your gut tells you. If you feel like you are a night...
  8. Wow. This thread is so enlightening.... I am taking pre-requisites for nursing right now, on the waitlist. I don't have kids yet either.... I would never expect someone to switch with me for that...
  9. Did I do the right thing? (long)

    So, you just advised the LPN to go to the DON, and you didn't yourself? I think you did a good thing. I would have done the same in your situation. The LPN was having problems with a co-worker, and...
  10. Is a community college education a bad one?

    I volunteered at a hospital in my area for 4 months before I even applied to nursing school, just to "make sure" it's what I wanted. ALL OF THE people I came in contact with - floor nurses, nurse...
  11. What punishment should this nurse get?

    So, Daytonite, did this nurse come back from her 7 day suspension? How is she doing? Did you get more
  12. Types of Nursing Career Specialties

    For now, it's an ADN. Because I don't have the money for more. :) I plan on working for a large University hospital here, and then will reimburse for tuition. Eventually, I would love a BSN,...
  13. I guess I'm a florist now too....

    So, is it just up to you individually to decide what to do in a situation like this? I personally would have gone after her, and handed them back, and advised her to take care of that herself, as I...
  14. First day alone went great! :)

    DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting scared by all the horror stories on here....and I'm only taking my pre-req's! :uhoh21: I may have to stop visiting altogether once I hit clinicals just to not scare...
  15. want to work L and D

    Hi KATRINASC! The very best thing I can tell you is to actually go to a hospital, and volunteer. Nursing is a second career for me, I am 26. I had to be SURE that it was absolutely what I wanted...