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All Content by melissax

  1. Hi nurses! So I am in my 4th year of the BSCN program (BSN if you aren't from Canada) and I just found out that I am going to be in emergency/trauma at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto for my consolidation. They only accept 4-5 students per term! It is...
  2. Sunnybrook hospital: emerge! help!

    Thanks!!! good luck to you! :)
  3. Sunnybrook hospital: emerge! help!

    Thanks for all the comments :) ! What is the name of the show? I'm studying through Laurentian University but I am allowed to leave my city to consolidate in my 8th semester because all classes are online. Woohoo!
  4. Starting classes 10/25.. Any advice? :)

    Hi there, Congrats on making it into nursing school! You are about to embark on a difficult but very rewarding journey. As a 4th year nursing student in the BsCN program I understand your fears. These are some general tips that I give out to any stud...
  5. prioritizing diagnosis

    Hi there, I thought your first two nursing dx were really great but I have a few suggestions. There isn't a problem with the urine output. 30-40 mLs per hour is the normal range for a average adult and therefore would not constitute a nursing dx. T...