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All Content by PalliativeNurse

  1. How do I interact with terminally ill patients?

    Everyday I take care of pt"s that have a terminal diagnosis( usually cancer 99.9 %) usually it's my job to transition them fro Palliative to hospice, I do a little hospice too. It's a hard conversation, but necessary. Pt"s need to understand hospi...
  2. Acute care vs. Home health

    Sorry guys you will never win this battle. Love it.
  3. Acute care vs. Home health

    I give my pt"s continuity and know them on a personal level. I'm a guest in their home and it's a privledge. I spend a solid hour - three a week on these people in visits alone to them. I leave my " shift" too, that's what evenings and weekends are ...
  4. Acute care vs. Home health

    "paperwork" is done via lap top supplied and I suppose varies from company to company via there policy. We are taught to chart mostly in the home so minimal is expected outside. We have " escorts" off- duty cops available 24/7 for questionable/unsaf...
  5. Acute care vs. Home health

    I worked on a med/surge unit and I hated it. I"ve been doing home health care ever since as a palliative care nurse. I still feel my pt"s are challenging as they are mostly cancer pts and are complex. Yet there's a balance with home health. Yes you...
  6. Single moms and every 3rd weekend

    Have you ever considered home care? I am a mother and I work flexible hours between 8 am- 4:30pm. I work one Saturday every 10 weeks, and am on call 1 week a year! Sure, it doesn't pay as much as hospitals, but very family friendly. Something to thin...