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All Content by tinaslancer

  1. How I Studied for the TEAS

    NO i used the Mc Graw Hill book.. The test was Crazy bu ti have beeen out of school awhile..
  2. How I Studied for the TEAS

    Yeah some one else told me that to.. I am just gona have to wait 6 months again till i can try..the school i wanna go tomke you wait that long. I know i bombed at all the sciene stuff, I have been out of school awhile,,lol so all has been deleted or ...
  3. How I Studied for the TEAS

    Well i would have studied longer and had planned to. The school called and said there not doing test after the end of September for the nexted class. i had only just sent in my application so it was all so fast.. But i studied the Mcgraw Book which i...
  4. How I Studied for the TEAS

    To everyone who asked i studied the Mc Graw Hill book.. Still waiting for results but i know what there gonna be i have to wait 6 months to try again so as soon as i know i am gonna study i guess harder for the nexted time..I thought i would have p...
  5. Don't know what to do

    this is awesome advice !!
  6. LPN TEAS v5 entrance exam

    ALL i can say is is studied all those books and studied my ass off for 3 weeks before.. there was stuff in that book i have never seen so i really studied hard.. so when i sat down for the test NOTHING was on it that i studied.. NOTHING!!! i know i f...
  7. How I Studied for the TEAS

    I studied all of that and NONE of it was on my test.. i was so shocked that i studied for 3 weeks and everything that i got down to a tea was not even on there.. I left feeling worse then when i went in.. I just know i failed ! I know it..I practical...