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About Jamthenurse

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  1. Brushing my teeth at work giving me mouth sores

    Okay, okay! I confused cold vs cankers. I will not ever, never do that with the microwave again. And I will use the bottled water in a cup, disposable toothbrush, and listerine routine. I also don't think I'm overbrushing but you're right, I may be b...
  2. I have to ask, and it's a little gross. I can't work a 12 hour shift and have lunch, coffee, etc without brushing my teeth a few times (some of my peers who work closely with people have dragon breath btw). So I use the staff bathroom. I rinse my too...
  3. day shift vs. night shift *vent*

    1. Yeah, sorry. Nights does it too. 2. Done it. Did it. Know the difference. Seen it. Nights: Gaggles of RNs and Aides sitting at the station or the lounge while the call light blinks and blinks. RNs mad because they have so many "total cares" when ...
  4. Just a thought. The nurse is licensed and therefore trusted to tell and document the truth. Yet the second some dysfunctional, sociopathic patient or family member complains about something (that nurse killed my baby!), management brings her into the...
  5. Intraosseous Infusions- anyone using it yet?

    Nope. The only time I see it, and I mean only, is when I go to a CPR class. I watch the video. Painless, easy, long lasting, won't use it. Typical hospital.
  6. What does your hospital do for halloween?

    The hospital has some "Harvest" fest with games, watermelon eating contest, guess the weight of the pumpkin, costume contest. The nurses do not dress up, thank goodness. Try being serious to an ugly family member dressed as Hello Kitty. Or a doctor. ...