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About jenniek

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  1. Textbooks I highly recommend

    I'm not at TCU, but drug companies supplied some books for students in my program. Hopefully that's the
  2. Ark State Univ.

    Congrats SReece! Happy for you! This gives you plenty of time to read over the LONG loan thread! Enjoy your time before school
  3. Am I wrong to say?

    that is a similar response I received while interviewing. Many nurses will come through the unit and work for a year, apply half way through the year and move on. But, the directors are happy having a...
  4. Going through school was not an option for me. We were to pick our own financial institution for our loan. It may differ by
  5. Wells fargo has an origination fee for the stafford loan that goes directly to school. If you go for a personal educational loan, there is no origination fee. Learned that the hard way. I'll be...
  6. Well, I think JWK was excused because he was an intelligent healthcare provider. How about
  7. Very true. I have worked as a OR nurse and the cases I've seen were minor. I guess stating I would prefer a different sort of challenge would be a better statement. Great point about the plastic...
  8. You also need to consider the cost of health insurance for you and your family during the time you are in school. If your husband does not work, paying for health insurance out of pocket is going to...
  9. I would always double the alcohol intake, too. So true about
  10. This amount of loan is being considered for nurse anesthesia school. It should take a few years to pay off school loans with a CRNA salary.
  11. I have it. I purchased it before I started school. It helps give quick answers to things which may be cloudy, and in an easier understanding than some other books. It has many of the same pictures as...
  12. How many schools did you apply to?

  13. How many schools did you apply to?

    Applied to two schools. Interviewed at two schools. Accepted at two
  14. Thank you for the words of great wisdom. They will be jewels for me shortly.
  15. typical book list..

    If you have been accepted to a program, they may have a list of books posted on their web site or you can ask them for a book list. I would hold off on purchasing any of the big anesthesia books, as a...