A Blooming Rose

A Blooming Rose

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About A Blooming Rose

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  1. Bad preceptorship assignment

    Yes, but, obviously not everyone can get their top choice. So, what process should be used to determine who gets theirs? If she is straight A-s and top of her class then I think that she should have...
  2. Chemistry--Conversions and sig figs

    The units arent considered when counting significant figures the answer should have. (the 1 sig. figure in the ML for example). Your answer should have 3 significant figures... without a decimal at...
  3. I like being different.

    Are you SERIOUS?!?! I get it, thats just how the world works and you have to follow the rules....but I guess I just didn't actually believe people think like this!!!!! And at age 23...we tend to be...
  4. My clinical instructor gives me anxiety - advice?

    ahhhhh, and the 'get used to it' advice never fails to appear. Very
  5. Why did you pick your username?

    [color=#0055bb]thought it was a good way to express the journey ive started, and where i hope to be someday. just getting started but it will all be worth it! [color=#0055bb]...
  6. Scared of the docs!

    I LOVE this!!!! Seriously probably some of the best advice I've ever seen, and I'm definitely going to use this whenever I'm uncomfortable around someone
  7. Familiar with Evening/Weekend Program at Tri-C?

    Thanks ScottE. I have done that actually... looked at the nursing courses in a specific semester then searched the schedules for them online. I wasnt 100% sure that it was an accurate way to get an...
  8. Scared of the docs!

    Get a life! Its really irriating to see this stuff on this site. It makes you look like you are a miserable person who jumps at the chance to put someone else down and its a really ugly quality. You...
  9. Familiar with Evening/Weekend Program at Tri-C?

    I am also curious about tri-c's evening/weekend program...I am wondering what you can expect your week to look like. 4 days total with classes during the week maybe clinicals saturdays and sundays...
  10. To those who want to leave nursing

    I dont think the OP was trying to say he worked HARDER than anyone else...but pointing out he does have life experience regardless of his younger age (by younger I mean younger than those of you...
  11. Working as an RN in a GS Position overseas

    Thats definitely only the base pay for a GS 7 step 1. Not including locality pay and other possible
  12. New Nursing Student

    I cant speak for other posters on this thread but I can say for myself that its not about 'what am I really getting myself into'. Nor am I complaining about nurses who vent and come here for...
  13. New Nursing Student

    I feel the same way...thinking of not coming to the site anymore because it scares me a little!!!! I totally understand people are sometimes shocked by the realities and I also get the 'when theres...
  14. Pre-Pre-reqs at tri-c

    Ya im planning on taking all the courses u mentioned before the program..but wanted something extra to keep me entertained and wondered if this course would be a good idea. Finishing those ones in...
  15. Pre-Pre-reqs at tri-c

    Im not looking for an easy class, I havent taken classes in almost 2 years so I am sort of itching to get back into the books I guess. I just want to make sure I'm not going to be lost due to my lack...