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About Sianhayes

Sianhayes has 25 years experience and specializes in ER.

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  1. Hours spent on the phone?

    Excellent point .Thanks Is there a system in place for streamlining communication on line for bed availability or is it all done by
  2. Hours spent on the phone?

    Thanks so much for the insight!! Food for
  3. Cut thru the Glitz and get me some reality on LNC's

    It was a great course! I loved it! It really helps you in your thought process and documentation. But getting a job is another
  4. Hours spent on the phone?

    Yes they do! I forgot! Phew! Wow, that poor person must be overwhelmed with calls from acute facilities asking "is there room at the inn"! I can deal with all the other calls but to do admissions on...
  5. Cut thru the Glitz and get me some reality on LNC's

    Took CLNC, did not get any work despite marketing. Can't even get into the Risk department in my own health care group.25 years as an ER nurse/manager. Great experiences but cannot get my foot in the...
  6. I am trying to figure out if I want to take a job as a SNF manager but have some questions.When you have an open bed are you bombarded with hospitals and case managers constantly calling you to try...
  7. Hours spent on the phone?

    Hi All case managers, I am trying to figure out if I want to be a case manager. When you work on placing a patient, for example, a senior into a SNF or nursing home, do you have to cold call...