
Antikigirl ASN, RN

Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc

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All Content by Antikigirl

  1. mixed staffing, all-RN or not?

    Hmmmmm...I have always worked mixed staffing and couldn't imagine not. To care for people you need specific people for specific things in this fast lane world! To deal with time constraints on any one person to do all the things necessary, and the on...
  2. Of calls and HIPAA!

    AWESOME! That is totally the type of system I am begging for! Yep, oh I have learned some very interesting new cuss names and phrases by these phone calls...LOL! And people on the phone are more bold and stubborn because there is no face to face in...
  3. what should men wear to an interview

    I field the particular facility that I am applying for frankly...if it is a larger organization and I will be in competion with many folks...out comes the suit (for me a skirt suit), or even just a bit over 'dressy casual". If it is a smaller place,...
  4. Of calls and HIPAA!

    Oh I hear with those wayyyy to often (guess people think us RN's sit around eating bon bons and are just being non-professional stubborn mules...uhggggg!). However, I felt if they have a probelm with this...even if they go through the messa...
  5. co workers birthdays

    This is done at random at my hospital really...some people bring in a cake or something for their good friends...and I see no probelms with that. I, for one really didn't care to announce it this year, so I didn't. People said "Oh man...we would h...
  6. I got it!

    Doesn't sound silly at all! Congrats and keep up that good work...and may it always make you proud because frankly it isn't a easy thing that should be assumed everyone can do! My husband is a paramedic...and talk about having someone around daily t...
  7. overcoming comfort zone

    Oh an as far as interviews. Say nothing negative at all! If something comes up where a negative may be in there a bit, practice your 'turn around'...which is a positive phrase directly afterwards so that in that particular question/comment the last...
  8. overcoming comfort zone

    couple bits of advice from someone that was in the very same boat! 1. I agree to ask for a shadow, but lately many hospitals will not do this anymore because of patient confidentiality. So good luck with this one, cause it really is a great way to ...
  9. tachycardia question

    The biggest thing I would have advised, given I have working in very very simular sitations as your employ...GET THE MD on that phone, if you can't...then 9-11 call! I don't tend to take chances with VS like you described, unless I have specific orde...
  10. Acls

    Awesome! Sound like me...I didn't actually NEED it, but wanted to have it so I could be prepared! The best thing about being a code leader or even stumbling upon a code situation is to remain calm as possible. Do your BLS from ABC right away! That...
  11. Do you think there will be a nursing "draft" someday?

    LOL...I was talking to some nurses about a month ago about a dream I had. It was exactly this!!!!! The dream was that women were drafted as nurses for a new Federal Program to make assisted living/skill nursing available to all seniors...and they ma...
  12. how would you react to this

    Well frankly that would make me wonder..."why?". I would ask more questions as I walked WITH the CNA to the room. Is it something I need to see, does the CNA have a probelm with the patient or vs versa that is hindering this task, or is this a prob...
  13. Acls

    The above is a great website...also I have been able to take a weekend course of ACLS through my local Fire Departments or Ambulance Companies at a discounted rate. The thing I like about taking it with...well, paramedics/EMT best is you get stories...
  14. Chat???

    Oh boy it has been over a year since I have been here, and I am so glad to be back (huggles to all the folks that remember me!). We use to have a live chat...I watched the video (Hi Brian, nice to hear your voice for once:yeah:! LOL!). But I can no...
  15. Big Brother - Hypoglycemia Seizure

    "what would you do if you're at home and one person has a severe reaction, lips swollen twice their usual size, arms swollen, gasping for just happen to have epi at hand and at the same time another person who you know is hypoglycemic an...
  16. Big Brother - Hypoglycemia Seizure

    Thanks for the explanation! I don't get a chance to watch TV anymore...and even when I get free time, my hubby has total rule over the TV remote..LOL! I typically read or sleep...LOL! Yep, gel is the way to go because it is easily absorbed and low...
  17. nurse proof nursing station?

    I would feel that is punishment well as a very stupid idea! If anything in my hospital, we need much more room! With MD's and RN's and RT's and PT's and others...all charting and needing the nurses desk...we would not be able to function i...
  18. Big Brother - Hypoglycemia Seizure

    Another thing that may scare me about this practice, if something sugar related was given...was a CBG taken? Proably not! Then how did that nurse know it was hypo vs hyper???? I have seen the tragic results of common folks automatically assuming a ch...
  19. Big Brother - Hypoglycemia Seizure

    If you give someone something PO during a seizure you will be at very high risk of aspiration! Lets delve into this and see why... When you are having a grand mal seizure, it not only makes all your muscles twitch, but your diaphram too...typically y...
  20. What side of the elevator do you stand on?

    I stand on the side with less people...I can't stand having to stand there and have someone in my aura or touching me that I don't know. Isn't that funny...and I do that for a living...touching strangers! Guess if I had a choice in my own time...I wo...
  21. Mixing Lantus

    Hey, you can talk to a pharmasist if you have one that has the time! I have a great staff of them, and they love to share thier info and enjoy the fact a nurse is interested!
  22. Liquid Stool - Orange

    Okay side note here too...My hubby (paramedic) and I had this running joke for years. He would come home and we would discuss anything cool that happened that day. Of course he would have tales of intubation, code saves and the lot...and I would si...
  23. Mixing Lantus

    Not mixing lantus with things is in the paperwork (long microscopic words)that comes with the vial in the box from the manufacturer. But I have an easier solution for it... Just don't mix lantus at all...memorize it and just go with it as second nat...
  24. need help on life changing decisions please

    Really look deep into your true self, and perhaps make a list of WHY you wish to be a nurse!? Many people have misconcieved notions of what a nurse really is, and they get a big suprise when they are already up to their nose in dept, can't ...
  25. Trouble With Lousy Ward Secretaries

    Well...typically it is the administration that deals with people not doing their job well. So letting them know is a good way to go. Other than that...I have taken ward secretaries aside with my teaching personality on (which uses humor!), and reall...