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About michigangirl9876

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  1. RN moving to Mountain Home

    Fellow nurses, I am a nurse with three years of experience most recently in a level III NICU. I will be moving to Idaho and was wondering what the NICU's are like there. Is the drive to Boise or...
  2. Please keep us updated on the program. I have too been thinking of starting my masters at WGU. I have heard very mixed
  3. Moving to Anchorage in 2 weeks, Need help with housing!!

    muircv, I know this post is a couple years old but I have a couple questions. I have applied for a couple internship positions (NICU being my first choice) and I was wondering how long it took for...
  4. What's the nursing demand in Alaska?

    I lived in Alaska and worked in a doctors office as a receptionist. I am currently going to school for my RN and plan on moving back to Alaska. There is always job available when I look. Some of the...
  5. Online Nursing Schools

    I am able to apply to a University for the bachelor's science in nursing in february. But the wait time is at least two years and it doesn't even matter if your grades are good, just a set wait time....
  6. RN, BSN/MN, or MSN

    If your long term goal is to be a nurse practitioner than I would get the masters right away because they are switching the program to a doctorate