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  1. ADNs in California without a waitlist

    FWIW -- it seems like many of the community college LVN programs (in California) are 3 semesters long. Also interesting is that LVN programs reportedly have more clinical hours than the ADN programs...
  2. ADNs in California without a waitlist

    If you want to look at JUST the community colleges in California that have RN programs, the following website will be of some help: It will list what degree programs are at which...
  3. Does this sound ... oh, just please read...

    Hi, I wasn't interested in donating. I'm a moderator on a private internet marketing board where this person had posted, and I was trying to do a bit of vetting--the rules about which the board owner...
  4. Volunteer Nurses Needed for Hurricane Emergency!

    Make sure you know what the time commitment is from YOUR local Red Cross. Here, in the San Francisco Bay Area, they've lowered it to a 9-day commitment. I'd be surprised if that weren't true in...
  5. decubiti redux...

    I did do some clinical time in an LTC where the patient was on a bed, I assume with the type of mattress folks have described here, but which ALSO rotated the patient gently from side to side. Anyone...
  6. decubiti redux...

    Wow! Only $8.95? Seems extremely reasonable--great ROI, I would think.
  7. decubiti redux...

    A few months ago I had the opportunity to stir up a bit of controversy (quite unintentionally) about Chris Reeve and decubiti. Now, I am asking for help. A dear friend of mine's Mom has been recently...
  8. Codeine for analgesia

    Hi, I just found out from a dear friend that her mom is dying from advanced terminal CA (mets everywhere)--recently discovered. Her mom can't take morphine and reportedly is on codeine. I was a bit...
  9. waking patients up to do vitals

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to know about your care, and to ask questions. PLEASE ask questions--especially if someone is giving you a pill you've never had before and you are suddenly...
  10. Nursing Jobs in the Caribbean

    I had to think about that for a second....yep, medical school. That's about all her fiance will have a chance to see her :). Seriously, go check out my friends at -- a site...
  11. Looking for work in Cali!!!!!!!!!!! may not apply to you...but the San Jose Mercury just ran an article in the Real Estate Section. Nearly all of the housing in the Bay Area has increased in price between 21-40% within the...
  12. Looking for work in Cali!!!!!!!!!!!

    Er, uh...even medical residents are limited to working 80 hours weeks in many places. 112 hours in a week? Yikes!!!! I guess you don't need much sleep?
  13. What did you learn about yourself in Nursing School??

    Still learning... But, one thing I've learned so far is that healthcare is a team effort, not only do I not have all the answers, no one else does either. That's why we have to help each other out....
  14. Im curious about ER tech qualifications

    Check with the HR departments of the hospitals in your area that you might be interested in working at. They will give you the most definitive information, since they are the ones doing the hiring....
  15. Syndrome X aka Metabolic Syndrome

    foods: don't eat anything white: no white bread, no white flour, no white rice, no white sugar; make sure that you get your daily quota of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. for insoluble fiber,...