

School Nursing

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All Content by lvnforschool

  1. New job ideas please

    I have no personal experience using a Staffing agency, but I have friends who do, and they really like that the agency sets them up with schedules and jobs they actually want to do.
  2. vent*

    He is severely handicapped, in wheelchair, has pureed diet. He was hospitalized about 3 weeks back for respiratory issues. I was gone the last 2 Monday's and guess who called 911 for him coughing/gagging! He's much better now, and every time I have b...
  3. Should I do lpn

    Only you can answer that question. But I know here in Cali you have to have so many hours as a practicing nurse/ or in the field" to start a Pa program. Hope that helps.
  4. Is this normal or okay??

    I am the full time LVN, and the school nurse usually comes in when she needs to get info on IEP or 504's. If I am absent then the seceretary has been "trained" to handle minor things. If its serious, she calls 911 and lets Admin know whats going on. ...
  5. School nurse delays giving epi pen

    After reading this article I immediately looked over my Epi-pen emergency plans. We have boxes for the doctor to check if to give Epi-pen or Benadryl. I will say for the ingestion of food allergy it says EPI-pen on those. Now for Bee sting it mostly ...
  6. Sometimes more teachers than kids come to see me

    I am an LVN, but that doesn't stop staff from coming to see me at ALL One lady talked a bunch of poo on me about my nursing skills with students, but now im somehow qualified enough to help her with her heart palpitations.
  7. Student with Diabetes

    You don't want them eating from the My cafe manager is so nosy about the diabetics lunches. She used to call me at least once a week wahwahing about the diabetic is eating pizza and fries and should she really be eating that! No, but ...
  8. School Nurses and Mental Health

    I fight this battle everyday. We have a pyschologist on staff, but the poor guy see's like 30 kids a day. There is 1 student, who just always seems to have something wrong. Teachers are too scared to call BS on him, and instead send him to me. If the...
  9. I'm 16 with a GED

    Hello, I am an LVN working in a high school. I know you have your GED, but you might be able to start a C.N.A program at another school through a ROP class or something. While it's not required to be a C.N.A before LVN, it is recommended to get your ...
  10. Nurse Funny

  11. Nurse Funny

    As the end of the year is near, my kids have been crazy! lol I really needed this yesterday...
  12. 504 Plans

    The acting VP (who was Athletic director last year) is in charge of 504's this year. Yeah, it's not going so well
  13. any LVN/LPN as school nurses?

    I feel pretty ALONE... The "Contract Nurse RN" is here maybe 2 hrs once a week. I try to get her involved only when I cannot handle something myself, which isnt a whole lot, thank goodness. Right now im dealing with a kid who refuses his ADD meds- is...
  14. minor complaints

    I had the RN pull up her IEP meeting notes, which clearly state the student can self-cath. Last year in 6th grade she had an aide, but honestly she's 13, and I do not see why I have to stand akwardly to the side of the restroom while she self-cath's ...
  15. minor complaints

    She self-caths herself, but I am supposed to be watching her while she does it. She cannot control her bowels, so mostly I am cleaning up her BMs. It's just frustrating when I feel like they could use the Aides for this stuff, but because im the nurs...
  16. minor complaints

    The teacher said the student started to fall, but she helped her down on her bottom. I don't do the training, Ive been bugging the RN to do something, but she replied with..Its a manual wheel chair what training to they actually need! I am really car...
  17. minor complaints

    This has been going on for last Month... Spina bifida student (7th)grade, has some issues with unsteady gait. Teachers and Aides requesting for her wheelchair to be brought to school to use for when it's raining. No big deal, but Now the Aides are sa...
  18. What kind of jobs do y'all have as LPN/LVN?

    I also work as LVN- in a school. Im at at High/Jr school with about 600+ kids. It's an easy job, but staff is your biggest enemy. They can really make or break the job with some things they think you can "do" when it's not in your scope of practice. ...
  19. Any LPN school nurses?

    I am an LVN working full-time in the Health Office. The RN is only here for screenings, and IEP meetings. She comes in 1/2 day ONCE a week to just catch up on anything. It's been really challenging for me. I had to try to explain Nurse chain of comma...
  20. Career options for LPN? Possible different career field?

    My first job...( high/jr School) health office. They have an RN but she only does screenings, so im full time M-F 8/4pm. Weekends off, summers off, and holidays.
  21. Real definition of school nurse

    Good morning everyone, I am an LVN, and we hired an RN last year to be the Credentialed School Nurse. This year they made her sign a contract and she is signing everything as the Contract Nurse. I don't care what ever she wants to call her position.....
  22. Students without clothing

    I have a student with Spina Bifida that Caths herself, but has a hard time wiping if she has an BM. It is in her order for assisstance with toileting and there is no Aide assigned to her, I am it! The school figures if they hired an LVN why not use m...
  23. Any schoool nurses out there?

    Good morning, I am going on my 3rd year as school LVN. It was little to no training, and about 2-3 months in, the RN who barely was here quit. The district looked to me to fill her shoes. I had to defend my scope of practice and say sorry, I can't by...
  24. Need advice

    Hello All, Just a quick question... Teacher sends up kid during class for A,B,C. Then at the end of the day, stops by to ask you about kid, not just did he/she go home or feel better but starts asking about health issues or wants to know how often th...
  25. Need advice

    I had a student that had her tonsils removed and I called the Cafe Manager to tell her a soft-diet was ordered for her. I had no problem until she started questioning me about the girls living situation and other non- health related stuff. I AM NOT a...