

School Nursing

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All Content by lvnforschool

  1. I'm LEAVING!

    HA ha!! I love it
  2. Yes I would like to continue working as an LVN until I am ready to take the boards- get Licensed in Nevada. I am curious as I read it takes awhile to get an appt to take the final exam CNEP(?) and I honestly will not be ready for at least 2 years to ...
  3. So I am probably in the minority here. I am working LVN of 4 years, living in CA. I have the intention of starting this program, and in 2-3 years moving to Nevada. So I just need to know if anyone has tried this method of licensure or how that works ...
  4. Excelsior LPN to RN

    I live in CA, but I was planning to start this program with the intention of moving maybe in 2-3 years to NEVADA. So I am curious to start this LVN- to RN program even though I read if I do get RN license I won't be able to work but only Federal pri...
  5. School and sterile gloving

    I tried surgical tech program years ago, thinking it would be a really cool health care field. Our first check off was sterile gloving. I kid you not, I was 2 weeks into the program, and the teacher actually passed me on sterile gloving, but then I w...
  6. We've all been venting

    Oh girl! Im so sorry. I had a similar situation with my principal last 3 years. She didnt start out ranting but I really thought last school I was done, but then I found out she was moving to another school! It was like the heavens opened up and rain...
  7. Just a small vent...

    Oh Yes! The stay at home mom, who freaked out when I had her 8th grade daughter call her to let her explain how in the middle of class around 12:30 ish- her arm/shoulder JUST OUT OF KNOW WHERE, started hurting. The mom totally chews me out, saying I ...
  8. Wanting more to do

    I know I should watch what I say, but this last week at work has been brutal. Ive had maybe 5-8 students come in everyday. It's a good thing, but I am really struggling to find stuff to do. Mean while, the RN is bursting at the seems with things she ...
  9. Wanting more to do

    She said she asked the Head Nurse of the districts, and only certified school nurse could do hearing. She did not ask about vision testing. Why would you ask for 1 and not the other? But as far as volunteers- I have no clue who she is using for that....
  10. LPN to social work or RN?

    I am an LVN. I wanted to try something other than school nursing- so I tried a job at a drug/rehab type program. My main duties along with nursing was some social work type stuff. It didn't work out for me, but I am glad I tried something different. ...
  11. And this is why schools need a legit nurse

    In defense of the front desk personnel, my point and shoot therm is ALWAYS off. I just figure they are normal temp if it doesn't show anything above 99.5. I can't imagine if I told a kid or his parent his temp was 90.7 which is sometimes what pops up...
  12. How many students?

    I am full time LVN for MS=184 kids HS= 427 kids We have an RN that does screenings, IEP, and 504's and she tries* to come in 1 a week if possible. But she is on a contract that only allows so many days/hours. Health Aide only person at elementry sch...
  13. Ah Mondays...(vent coming)

    Wise words from my brother to my kids... It's better to Burp and taste it, then Fart and waste it! Sorry it's Monday
  14. Anyone else decide to not to go on to RN and stay an LPN?

    I have mixed feelings. I start to get "bored" in my career (LVN) and I think I want to go back for RN but then reality sets in and I just don't have the time,money, or drive to go back to school. My job, my income, my family, and my happiness. Right ...
  15. School nurse sallary when you have a family?

    My first 2 years, I took the deferred pay out of my check for summers. But I began to notice that in August and Sept my deferred pay was not enough to cover bills. So I stopped having them take it out, more monthly income, and what I did to make up f...
  16. School Nurse is a Lonely job

    My first 2 years, I took the deferred pay out of my check for summers. But I began to notice that in August and Sept my deferred pay was not enough to cover bills. So I stopped having them take it out, more monthly income, and what I did to make up f...
  17. NPs in the school district

    1 RN who only does screenings and 504/IEP plans and maybe comes in 1 a week for 2-3 hrs. I am the Full-time LVN for both HIGH/JR and the Elem has a health aide that just became full-time this year. No school Districts want to pay more than they need ...
  18. School Nurse is a Lonely job

    I feel your pain. I am LVN to a school of about 600+ high/jr kids. I am here fulltime and it is me who gets to deal with everything. Last 3 years here were very painful. But I stuck it out, and this year has been wonderful. We have a new principle, a...
  19. Lowest stress (still great pay) nursing specialties?

    I know this is an Old post, but just reading it, Isn't this the American Dream. High salary and low stress job!
  20. Wanted to go back for RN

    Thank you, and good luck to you in whatever path you choose.
  21. Wanted to go back for RN

    Hello, I have this struggle alot. Yes I know becoming an RN will open doors for me, but at what point do you tell yourself, I am really okay with being an L.V.N. I have a great job, make decent $ and my older kids are almost graduated from high scho...
  22. Splinters - To remove or not to remove

    I voted No, but that's mostly because I will not take it out myself, but have no problem offering the disposable plastic tweezers for them to remove it. I did once try to get out a staple in a kids arm, but it was basically hanging out already and ev...
  23. 24 hr on call

    I got hired to work at a Non-profit site to provide meds and drug testing to clients. On my first day (8hr shift on a Saturday, my co-worker told me, "So we have this crisis phone". And I was like OKAY...and? Well we each take the phone for 7 days a...
  24. vent*

    Sorry everyone, I am just so frustrated right now:mad: SpecED highschool student with CP, doesn't talk, totally dependant on Aides, was sick maybe 2 weeks ago with respiratory Illness. We know it takes those kids longer to heal. I've been called ever...
  25. Helpful (?) (!) Advice for burns

    I heard of putting fresh cut potatoe on burns? Not sure if that was a joke or ???