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All Content by Claudiabrn

  1. I Passed!!!-Ever felt down about NCLEX You Must ReadThis!!!!!!!!!!!

    That was a great read
  2. Failed NCLEX three times

    Review and dedicate your time to studying. Then visualize yourself passing. =)
  3. taking the nclex next week!

    May I have one too if possible?
  4. NCLEX Takers Support Thread

    Some of is in my study group prayed every time we met and I have to say it definitely keeps me at ease. I take the NCLEX in a few weeks. Any extra prayer will help =)
  5. Anyone Up For Random FACT THROWING??

    Dilantin may cause gingival hypoplasia, advisable to have adequate oral hygiene and frequent visits, IVP 25-50 mg/min
  6. Scheduled to take the NCLEX for the 4th Time

    What did you not like about Sycamore? I love them. My coworker from Nigeria passed on his 6th attempt and suggested them. I just finished the august session and I feel more confident than my 3 previous exams. I too used the Saunders book which is af...