
PACU, pre/postoperative, ortho

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All Content by RainMom

  1. RainMom

    Did my friend violate hipaa?

    It's great that you are considering the seriousness of adhering to HIPAA. Avoiding talking about pts in detail outside of those involved in care doesn't really take any effort. However, it can be more tricky when family or visitors are present at t...
  2. RainMom

    Charting in Epic

    Thank you both, that's helpful. Seems like maybe they are just wanting to push for this to be the way we do things...or...they don't really know how it will work yet; maybe something was misunderstood when some general details were reviewed. Like I...
  3. RainMom

    Recently quit due to stress - I have some questions

    Not as the law is written in my state. It does not matter the circumstances, vacation time is due to the employee when they leave. I'm just suggesting OP needs to check into it
  4. RainMom

    Was I wrong?

    That didn't even occur to me but sounds totally plausible given her strong negative reaction to the PCA order. Things that make you go hmmm....
  5. RainMom

    Recently quit due to stress - I have some questions

    It's state dependent. Anytime my husband has left a job, he has had his vacation time paid, whether he left the job or the employer terminated the position.
  6. RainMom

    Recently quit due to stress - I have some questions

  7. RainMom

    bedside CPR alerts

    We use a wrist band that says "Respect". Simple and easy to identify for any healthcare worker.
  8. RainMom

    Recently quit due to stress - I have some questions

    No, there is no neglect for not showing up to work after you gave them notice you wouldn't be back. Also, check with state law; they may be legally required to pay out accumulated vacation time.
  9. RainMom

    suspended licence for owing taxes

    Cashing in a 401k is rarely a good idea but if you do, you would be better off to use it to pay the back taxes & get your license active again than to just burn through it on living expenses.
  10. RainMom

    Ambulating post op day zero

    We generally ambulate pts within a few hrs after surgery unless extreme pain, nausea/vomiting or hypotension. Our uni knee replacement pts are treated as outpt & get up from the stretcher to walk a few steps upon discharge from PACU. We have a...
  11. RainMom

    Taxes For Nurses? Pay or Get Paid?

    I started out learning how to do taxes in my high school accounting class by doing my boyfriend's (now husband) 1040 EZ form. Super simple. As our taxes became more complex, I picked up more & more, usually just little changes every few yrs. ...
  12. Very little chit chat in PACU. Pts are usually sleepy or hurting & are not interested in talking. If they are, then it's probably time to discharge them to the next level of care (and no families).
  13. RainMom

    Mandated Nurse-Patient Ratios

    My faciliity recently started working with a consultant. Ever since the first of the year in OR, our managers have been pushing us to send people home early every day. In PACU, the managers waltz thru repeatedly to see if we're busy. Sure, we may ...
  14. RainMom

    Taxes For Nurses? Pay or Get Paid?

    One thing to think about too is that getting a large tax refund should not really be a goal. Most people seem to celebrate when they get a nice chunk of money back not thinking about the fact that they just gave the government an interest-free loan ...
  15. RainMom

    After NCLEX fear

    I can remember having that exact fear & saying the same thing to a classmate. ("I do really well picking out the right answer when it's right in front of me but what about when I have to pull it out of my head when I need it?") You'll be surpris...
  16. RainMom

    When do nursing programs do drug tests?

    My program didn't test either.
  17. RainMom

    Nursing student with recent DUI. Need advice

    Sorry, no my husband does not have a professional license, so can't say for sure in your circumstance it will allow you to be licensed or not, but I would think it is the best chance if what he was told is true about it not showing up (our insurance ...
  18. Apparently, this has been circulating the internet for more than a decade: Dangerous Hoax - 'A Needle Can Save The Life of a Stroke Victim' - Hoax-Slayer
  19. RainMom

    Nursing student with recent DUI. Need advice

    Also from Illinois here. Several years ago, my husband also had a huge lapse of judgment & got a DUI. Since he had no prior record of anything, he was able to plea to a lesser charge (with the help of an attorney & about $10,000). Suspend...
  20. RainMom

    ECG stickers during surgery

    Where I am, pre-op places the electrodes as we print out a strip to document a baseline before surgery. We have guidelines on proper placement in order to keep them out of the surgical field depending on the procedure. The leads are left attached &...
  21. No need to pick up & move somewhere else to complete your ADN & NCLEX unless you really want to, but it does seem to be a tight market in the Chicago area from what I've read. NCLEX is the same no matter where you take it & you don't hav...
  22. RainMom

    Smokers need not apply?

    So I've reached my 2 year mark & getting a little restless, toying with the idea of moving into a different dept or facility. I was looking at a website for another hospital & they have posted that they will no longer hire anyone that uses n...
  23. RainMom

    Accused of making a medication error

    Ask pharmacy to print you a report of your pyxis activity for the day in question.
  24. RainMom


    I saw this on FB over the weekend. The post above was not an isolated incident. There were screen shots of at least a dozen posts which were all pretty, um, "opinionated".
  25. RainMom

    First Time Fall

    I disagree. That pt was going to fall whether you did bedside report or not. She refused the offer to get up to the restroom & then tried it on her own; it would not have mattered if 2 of you were at the bedside at that time or not. The bed al...