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All Content by JNL926

  1. I need info! AF & Navy :)

    Sorry I have not been on to reply. The Navy NCP is very competitive, you can apply as soon as you are accepted into the accelerated BSN program as long as you will graduate within a 2 year time frame. Also, you have to have a high GPA, 3.0 is the b...
  2. I need info! AF & Navy :)

    Where are you from because I may be able to put you in contact with my recruiter for the Navy :)
  3. I need info! AF & Navy :)

    elizeub--here is information directly off the navy healthcare site. also, if you have a facebook there is a navy healthcare page where you can ask more questions and there are recruiters on that page as well as members of the nurse corps who can help...
  4. I need info! AF & Navy :)

    for the NCP you must be pursuing your BSN. I do not know about enlisting with your RN versus your BSN but do believe you are required to have your BSN to be a nurse in the military and it is a requirement in order to be an officer. I don't know abo...
  5. I need info! AF & Navy :)

    Another consideration you may have is that if you pursue your BSN first, you can apply for the Navy Nurse Candidate Program your sophomore year. You will receive a $10,000 bonus plus a monthly stipend of $1000 totaling up to $34,000 which could pote...
  6. Navy Nurse Candidate Program - Interview Tips

    My interview went really smooth, mine was done over the phone.. She basically just asked me what motivated me to join, why the Navy over the other branches and asked a little about my background as well as shared some of her experience as a nurse in ...
  7. Navy Nurse Candidate Program - Interview Tips

    I have been selected for the Navy Nurse Candidate Program and will be swearing in within the next week or so. Then just gotta finish up school which I will graduate in December next year as well as commission sometime next fall! Then off to Officer ...
  8. Navy Nurse Candidate Program - Interview Tips

    I graduate december 2012. I had some major bumps in the road with medical at MEPS in august.. i wish you luck and hope you get in the program!
  9. Navy Nurse Candidate Program - Interview Tips

    It was on the phone. They meet once every two weeks and my recruiter said theyare still working on reservist entries and no NCP yet...hope he is right! Good luck to you as well. When do you graduate??
  10. Navy Nurse Candidate Program - Interview Tips

    I am in the final stages of my application process ((WHAT A LONG JOURNEY THIS HAS BEEN!! It's taken me 6 months to get my application all put together.)), I am getting interviewed by a LCDR this evening. Once my application is submitted and is revie...