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About pugmom79

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  1. What is your Nursing Kryptonite?

    The death
  2. Orlando

    Lockportrn I am hugging you from orlando. I will keep your son and his friends in my thoughts. Orlando Strong. Orlando
  3. Elevated Troponin

    Ckd causes a strain on the heart so many of these pt have chronically elevated trops. My docs look at their baseline and as long as it is not an increase they aren't concerned. It's not an acute...
  4. Orlando

    Thank you. I'm actually going to Savannah later today with my bestie as a mini
  5. Orlando

    Thank you. That's where I work. It helps to know that the ED community has been supporting
  6. Codes

    Work in a busy level 1 and we never page them
  7. Savannah Georgia Ed/trauma nurses

    We loved the city and we like to experience new places. We could see ourselves living there and being happy
  8. Savannah Georgia Ed/trauma nurses

    Thanks for the info!!! I will have my TNCC and experience in the trauma room here before we move and I'm studying for CEN too so hopefully they would like me
  9. Savannah Georgia Ed/trauma nurses

    Thanks for the info! Super helpful! Coming from florida, we are known for low pay so I would *guess* it would be comparable since florida pay is so crappy lol. At memorial how was the trauma room?...
  10. Hi all My hubby and I are considering a move to Savannah. I currently work in a level 1 in florida and am curious what people can tell me about the level 1 in Savannah. Pay, personal experiences,...
  11. Low census/flex time

    Every hospital I have worked at has one bucket of pto. It's your vaca, sick time, flex time
  12. ORMC vs. FH Orlando

    Worked at both. Looooooove ormc so much
  13. Old navy for mine too. Cheap and
  14. What is your ER policy for lunch breaks?

    I work in ER 1. It's a level 1. In 6 mos I have only not taken lunch 2 times. We all cover for each other. It's the best place and teamwork I ever
  15. I feel so incompetent and dumb

    She gave you constructive criticism outside the patients room. Don't see the