scott brown

scott brown


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About scott brown

scott brown has 3 years experience and specializes in ICU.

ICU Nurse

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  1. Thank You Bill, I appreciate your words of encouragement. It is soooo hard to stay motivated, but I'll hang in there. It is good to know that I still have a chance. Thanks for the resources, I'll...
  2. I wanted to create this thread so I could get a good idea what CRNA schools REALLY look for. Any tips, advice, or strategies would be GREATLY appreciated. I have an overall GPA 3.2, 2-3 yeras ICU...
  3. I was curious what my chances were to get an interview and hopefully accepted in to a crna program. I have 2 1/2 almost 3 years in ICU, GRE 900, working on my CCRNA, overall GPA 3.2. any advice would...