ProgressiveActivist BSN, RN


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All Content by ProgressiveActivist

  1. ProgressiveActivist

    Bernie Sanders gets NNU nod

    Wasnt she already president for eight years when Bill was in office?!
  2. ProgressiveActivist

    Self defense and protection in a hospital.

    Years ago a state cop pepper sprayed a patient in our ED. The spray traveled approx 200 feet throughout the ED, lingered for hours, and 2/3 of the staff had to be treated. I was in CT when it happened but I did have to deal with the aftermath an...
  3. ProgressiveActivist

    African American patients - a cultural question

    What would that be?
  4. ProgressiveActivist

    Self defense and protection in a hospital.

    I dont get paid enough, nor I am not qualified, to deal with armed and dangerous individuals. The answer is a continuous police presence in the ER, a metal detector, closed circuit cameras and locked doors, not armed medical personnel.
  5. ProgressiveActivist

    The Elephant In The Room and Evidenced Based Practice Nurses are averse to standing together to support their own best interests because they have seen what happens to those who do. Wake up and vote for a president who will reform our corrupt healthcare syst...
  6. ProgressiveActivist

    One Liner to Diffuse Escalating Situation With Patient

    If the patient can have a meltdown about not being offered a peri pad then I would surmise the pain management was adequate. "If you want my help you need to stop screaming" " If you want my help don't insult me." Said in a calm assertive and non...
  7. ProgressiveActivist

    Self defense and protection in a hospital.

    I worked ER ten years ago and the K-9 unit always responded to our calls. The worst of the worst would stop and when faced with a growling barking attack dog. I highly recommend that you make friends with the K-9 officers.
  8. ProgressiveActivist

    The Elephant In The Room and Evidenced Based Practice

    Your manager is being disingenuous. What you do about it is up to you.
  9. ProgressiveActivist

    What is your best advice for a nursing student or new nurse?

    These are real answers: Start off in an academic medical center. Avoid the community hospitals at all costs because most of them need to be shut down for fraudulent practices and they treat nurses like ****. Epic EMR is phenomenal. The rest are crap....
  10. ProgressiveActivist

    African American patients - a cultural question

    With all due respect, I have worked in an area of this country that is extremely stratified and in which there was an appalling double standard for in patient care. A hospital in which people who are poor, uninsured, Black or Latino did indeed rec...
  11. ProgressiveActivist

    Nursing: The Highly Skilled Customer Service Representative

    They also have to "run their socks off" to qualify as providers of excellent care. WTH is the point of this oversimplified opinion piece? Is it a vent as in it is all the nurses fault that HCAHPS are not excellent? Is it a threat to with hold m...
  12. ProgressiveActivist

    CNA's ARE NOT MAIDS!!!!!!!!!

    Companionship, Laundry, meal preparation, bathing, dressing, and light housekeeping such as changing the sheets, taking out the garbage, vacuuming are part of a HHA job duties. This varies from state to state.
  13. ProgressiveActivist

    African American patients - a cultural question

    This population may have very good reasons to distrust Caucasians in general. Haven't any of you ever seen people who are poor, Black or Mexican receive substandard care? You have to earn that trust and from experience I can say that once you do...
  14. ProgressiveActivist

    Nursing: The Highly Skilled Customer Service Representative

    Many have chosen agency or travel nursing so that they can avoid the stupid staff meetings and so they can focus on being highly skilled and highly paid nurses not "highly skilled customer service reps" or management whores.
  15. ProgressiveActivist

    BREAKS?????? You've gotta be kidding!

    There is nothing funny about a cartoon about couple of brainwashed nurses laughing at a nurse who wants a meal break.
  16. ProgressiveActivist

    Nursing: The Highly Skilled Customer Service Representative

    Nowhere in the Code of Ethics does it say that Nursing Professionals are responsible for hospital finances. The nurse's primary responsibility is to the patient. So management, you do YOUR job. I'll do mine. Code of Ethics ANA Nursing Ethics is ...
  17. ProgressiveActivist

    Bernie Sanders gets NNU nod

    If you are not a registered voter, do it now so that you can vote in your caucus or primary.
  18. ProgressiveActivist

    Rally for National Nurse-Patient Ratios

    Who is organizing this rally?
  19. ProgressiveActivist

    I'm I crazy?

    As a young nurse you need to build your resume now by establishing a solid employment history at academic medical centers and Level 1 trauma centers.
  20. ProgressiveActivist

    Nursing: The Highly Skilled Customer Service Representative

    2015 Press Ganey recommendations on maximizing reimbursement. It is based on evidenced based NDNQI indicators, not opinion. In a nutshell, it says that management needs to stop blaming the nursing staff for low HCAPS and start providing humane wo...
  21. ProgressiveActivist

    Nursing: The Highly Skilled Customer Service Representative

    Blah blah blah. Train your NAs to be food and beverage servers and assist with ADLs instead of avoiding patient care. Then professional nurses will actually have time to be strong pt advocates and be able to provide emotional support instead of be...
  22. ProgressiveActivist

    Would you do it all again?

    No. Registered Nurse is synonymous with glorified server in 2016.
  23. ProgressiveActivist

    File this one under "things I think but won't say"...

    If you act like a rabid dog we have to treat you like one.
  24. ProgressiveActivist

    ER dropping the ball?

    Paralytics for RSI wear off in ten minutes.Sedated you should be assessing pupils corneals gag and cough as part of your continuous assessment which absolutely is your responsibility. You cant treat it if you never look.
  25. ProgressiveActivist

    ER dropping the ball?

    It is incumbent upon the trauma nurse to continually reassess as per TNCC and ATLS.