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All Content by landonsles

  1. Valedictorian, but not announced

    Well--I graduated today, and as I was walking off the stage, the director of the pgm says to me, "well, congratulations, you're Valedictorian, but he forgot to announce it." But he sure "remembered" to announce the Salutatorian. I am so disappointe...
  2. How many May graduates?

    Count me as a May grad, too!! I graduated May 11th--Valedictorian (had to throw that in b/c that has been my goal since before school and I am darn proud of myself!!). Will take my NCLEX 5/25, and then I am off to deliver my third baby sometime the...
  3. How long for ATT to come? How long to study?

    I graduated 5/11/06, and rec'd my ATT (via email) 5/16/06. That's pretty darn fast if you ask me!! I have scheduled my test for next Thursday 5/25. (I had to do it very soon b/c I am in my last month of pregnancy). I am using Saunders to study, ...
  4. Start nursing school while pregnant?

    If you were PG now, when would you be due? Jan/Feb?? Maybe you could take a semester off--or if you had a good support system, you could have the baby and be back at school the next week. (I have known quite a few people who have gone this route--har...
  5. So how long did you study before taking the NCLEX?

    :yeahthat: I would highly encourage you to take the NCLEX before the baby if at all possible. I, too, am due in June (6/22 to be exact, but babies are never "exact" LOL) and I have scheduled my test for next Thursday 5/25. Also--since this is your ...
  6. Nclex

    I graduated May 11th, rec'd my ATT today, and scheduled for next Thursday, May 25th. So I will be taking the NCLEX exactly two weeks after graduation. Good luck!!
  7. will i have enough time??

    First off--congrats on graduation!! Did you go through Pearson Vue to sign up to take the test? If so, you might get your ATT sooner than you think... At our school, we applied to the BNE (and sent fingerprints) in Feb and then in March, "applied" to...
  8. It is doable~~hard, but doable. One of my friends had a baby during Spring Break 2nd semester. It was hard for her, but she had a great support system and managed just fine. I am currently 8 months pregnant (and have 3 & 10 yr old boys)--we pla...
  9. pre-reqs taken years ago...

    It depends upon your pgm. There are five nursing pgms in my general area, and only one of them had no time limit on pre-reqs. All the others had a five yr "expiration" date. Funny--I never really understood why--are they worried about you forgett...
  10. This is kind of an answer to one of your questions--and I had to laugh b/c I was just telling one of my classmates that this morning! I really believe that there is such a thing as too much studying. If you are studying and your mind is wandering, t...
  11. medicine or wives tale????

    LOL--If you want a boy, you need to join my DH's family!! My DH has all brothers...the brothers have all boys...we have two boys and I am PG with my third (another boy!)... (I know this is not what you were looking for, but I couldn't resist!! :nuke...
  12. Graduation Countdown!!!

    My final is May graduation is May 11th!! I hope to take the NCLEX by the end of May, very beginning of June at the latest b/c I am due with my third child June 22!
  13. Is it really that bad?!

    I remember orientation when they tried to scare the stuffing out of us. I made it my mission (if you will!) to attend every orientation & set the record straight. Is NS hard? At times, yes. Other times it's easy. Is it doable? ABSOLUTELY!! ...
  14. Opinions appreciated....

    Congrats!!! There are two of us in my class who have been/are PG during nursing school. My friend had her baby over Spring Break our 2nd semester & was back the next week. It was emotionally hard on her b/c she had to leave the baby at such a you...
  15. Preceptorship different than clinicals?

    I had such a great experience in my preceptorship. Last semester clinicals were so horrible, that I had decided I didn't want to be a nurse. This semester really brought my "spark" back. My preceptor was such an awesome nurse (and person!!) She reall...
  16. What would you do??

    Here's the situation: I will graduate 5/11/06 (school in TX). I am due with my third child 6/22--now we all know that babies don't believe in due dates, and I have a hx of delivering 37-38 weeks. I am hoping to get my ATT by the end of May so I can...
  17. What would you do??

    It looks like you have 365 days to be "made eligible" by your BNE (I read this to mean background checks and education verified), but only a limited amt of time after you receive your ATT to actually test. On a side note, I took my pre-CAT today and ...
  18. Care Plan Books

    I have the All in one Care Planning Resource by P. Swearingen. To be honest though, I don't use it as often as I use the following website: Sign up and add 7th ed Nursing Diagnosis Handbook by Betty ...
  19. Pregnancy and Gential Herpes

    My OB instructor said that they recommend C/S's for women with herpes (who are not in an active outbreak at time of delivery). SHe seems to think that in the next couple of years, it will be the rule. My OB's office, however, does not do C/S if the ...
  20. How many hours per week do you study?

    I'm in my last semester of an ADN pgm, and I have maintained my 4.0 throughout college (all 100+ hrs of it--yeah, I've changed my major a time or two...or three!) For semesters 1-3, I would avg about 5 hrs/week on non-test weeks reading and reviewing...
  21. Which class is easier?

    Are you 100% sure that your humanities will not transfer? I had the same problem, but when I talked to the head of the dept, she accepted my humanities based on the syllabus. (I am a packrat and stillhad the original syllabus). It might be worth a...
  22. Age when you had your first child?

    First at 22. Second at 29. There was a definite difference in my parenting at 22 and 29. I don't think it was that I already had a child b/c it was like having a 1st all over again. I think it was that I had more life experience under my belt that ma...
  23. I worked in the dental field for 6 years--in my office, a debridement was halfway between a reg cleaning and a deep scaling and root planing. We use Oraqix--it's a cool needle-less anesthetic (think topical times 1000!). Ask if your office uses it-...
  24. Moving to Justin, TX..

    I am in my last semester at North Central Texas College--it's in Gainesville, which is about 30 or so minutes north of Denton. There are a lot of people in my class who live in Flower Mound and Corinth (which is pretty close to Justin). Good luck wit...
  25. Pregnancy during school

    I am currently 18 weeks pregnant and in my 4th & last semester of nursing school. I will graduate in May, be able to take the NCLEX, and then have my baby boy in June. I personally have not had a problem being pregnant. Clinicals last semester...