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About rnpilot

rnpilot specializes in NICU.

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  1. HFJV vs. HFOV

    When I started in NICU in 1983 we were pioneering jet ventilation with a machine literally built by our RT department. If the study was from 1984, I would consider it too old to be very applicable...
  2. Some questions about gentamicin...

    The university hospital I worked at quit retrograding meds in the early 80s. They had a talk for the nurses from a pharmacist explaining why it isn't a good, reliable or safe delivery method for...
  3. ACLS Class

    I did my BLS here. It was inexpensive and they also do ACLS. I was very, very happy with them. ACE - Academy for Career
  4. Week from Hell

    I have been a preceptor in a university hospital level III. I've dealt with similar issues. As far as I'm concerned, it was your preceptor's fault. She is the one there to teach you and catch the...
  5. Completed my first few shifts in the unit!

    Yes, but give yourself plenty of time. Gratz, and hope orientation goes
  6. How is it like to be an RN in Vegas?

    I work at St. Rose and am very happy with the hospital and the people I work with. They don't offer a sign on bonus, but pay is competitive. My hospital will train people in Level II NICU because of...
  7. Needing advice from NICU nurses.

    Topped only by OR.
  8. Which road to take?

    Having heard enough stories, and learned a little from life, I smell a rat. It would be too easy for them to pull a bait and switch. Bait you into accepting a job, thinking they'll put you in NICU,...
  9. can't decide between the NICU and ER

    It definitely depends on the unit. Did they give you a tour of the unit before offering you a job? When I worked at a university hospital, I developed a "12 hour" bladder and could eat a hamburger in...
  10. Absolutely. You'll get "face time" and have the opportunity to become familiar with the hospital and staff. When you are ready for a job, they'll already know you so you'll be like one of them. This...
  11. It's been more than 12 months for me, but I did take the test in 2004. I had been out of nursing for roughly 10 years. I had 12 years of NICU experience. If you've working in a level III, you should...
  12. Scranton or Allenstown Nurseries / NICUs?

    Thanks everyone. My husband decided he doesn't want to move, but that's ok because I just got a fantastic job where we are
  13. I Love NI but......

    Shannon, I hear ya'. At about 10 years into NICU, I felt burned out and bored. I decided on a career change. I started working towards a commercial pilot's license. I loved flying! After a few years,...
  14. Bottle-feeding really compromise Breastfeeding?

    I don't think nipple confusion is a theory. I've actually seen it...once in 13+ years of practice. LOL. It was in a 36 weeker. It took all of about 2-3 days to get over. In the well baby nursery we...
  15. Patent Foramen Ovale

    It's not about the O2 per se. It's about ensuring gas exchange, thus the canula with a little positive pressure. That way ideally, CO2 is kept normalized in the hopes of encouraging closure because...