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About skinnegcCNA

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  1. can young,healthy,athletic men have heart attacks?

    His name was Zyzz. He was very prominent on youtube and other body building forums / websites. I have known about for a very long time and don't be fooled as other people have already said. Just...
  2. Will move for work but where???

    Now this is what I like to see, people willing to relocate to get a job. I know the job market isn't what is once was, and I really don't have that much room to talk because I'm still in school. But...
  3. Sell me on Psych Nursing

    I appreciate your post very much. And I feel it has broadened my knowledge of psych nursing. But I may have been unclear in my original post; I like knowing about disease processes and how the drugs...
  4. Sell me on Psych Nursing

    Just like the title says, please sell me on psych nursing. I'm a few years out from graduating, and already looking at potentially becoming a CRNA in the future. Now I'm not going to ramble on but if...
  5. Should I settle for a job I'm not happy with?

    Thanks for the Clarification BrookeeLou. I hope some stuff clears up before I graduate in 2-3 years so I don't have to deal with these shady
  6. Should I settle for a job I'm not happy with?

    I'm not here to argue with anyone. But can someone give me an example of why some job postings are listed if there is in fact not a spot open. I just can't get my head around why employers would do...
  7. Should I settle for a job I'm not happy with?

    While I'm not debating that the job market is tighter than it was a few years ago, which can be said for many professions, I'm asking people to be careful with the bold claims. When people say " There...
  8. Should I settle for a job I'm not happy with?

    Where do you live? I'm not saying you're wrong by any means. But as an example, I have been doing some research on CRNA's. And some people in these discussions claim that it's so hard to find a job,...
  9. Should I settle for a job I'm not happy with?

    Where do you live? Are RN jobs really that hard to find? I see a lot of people posting about how hard it is to find a job, but at my local University Hospital there is at least 25 staff RN positions...
  10. Hello I'm a 19 year old male, and after the idea of being contempt as being an RN-BSN as a long term carrier coming out of high school, I'm starting to change my mind. Now I mean no disrespect to any...