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About cmmiller85

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  1. Drexel University FNP Fall 2014

    i'd like to join but i don't think i can message
  2. New Grad/Hate My Job/Life is Miserable!

    This is so true. Going through my orientation, I compared it to the idea of "feeling like an idiot on a daily basis". Of course none of us here actually ARE idiots - but you really feel this way. I...
  3. Drexel University FNP Fall 2014

    For those accepted, is there an introduction day or anything like that? I thought I saw it somewhere online, but not sure if it applies to us at all....Also, anyone on facebook and want to
  4. Drexel University FNP Fall 2014

    I've been accepted as well! I live about 45 minutes from Philadelphia. I work at CHOP so the Drexel campus is
  5. New Graduate RN's at CHOP

    I don't remember her name I sent a thank you email to the general email address so maybe that was better than nothing. Hopefully i'll hear good news
  6. New Graduate RN's at CHOP

    So then where do the new grads get
  7. New Graduate RN's at CHOP

    @hapahaole - I had my interview today and I think it went well. The only thing is, I forgot to ask for my interviewer's card so I can send a thank you note. What an idiot! I've never forgotten to ask...
  8. New Graduate RN's at CHOP

    @hapahaole - I have an interview the end of this month to decide if I will be added to the pool and move forward to individual hiring managers. Any tips?