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All Content by valadam

  1. Passed in Lubbock! Journal included :)

    Congratulations! You have no idea how much reading your journal just helped me. I am new to all this and it really made me feel a bit better. Good luck on your boards. I am sure you are going to ace them!!
  2. About to start EC

    Hi. I have been a LPN since 92 and about to start EC. I have a bunch of the general ed credits already but I need Micro so I thought it would be a good place to start. I have tuition reimbursement at work but won't be eligible until the middle of N...
  3. About to start EC

    Mudwomen, Thanks for replying. Where did you take it? How do you find out how much of a waiting list for your area. I am in NY. I am pretty excited about starting. I did do a bunch of exams years ago and went to join the college (back then it was Reg...
  4. About to start EC

    Brenan, Congrats!! You must feel like there is a million pounds off your chest! I bought the studygroup101 cd for micro and the one by Lisa something. So you didn't buy any books? I haven't received them yet so I don't know how much content is in the...
  5. About to start EC

    Cathy, Above all let me tell you how sorry I am about you losing your son. You have went through every parent's most dreaded nightmare and I can only imagine the pain you have been though. That you were able to even think about finishing your RN is ...