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All Content by cheshir3kat

  1. New grad question new job

    I don't know what state you're in, but most state boards of nursing give new grads a graduate nurse license. That said, if you are offered the job, the nurse recruiter/HR will most likely contact you and ask if you currently have a registered nurse ...
  2. New grad program at Sunrise Hospital

    From what I heard from a friend who was hired in the previous residency program, once you are accepted into the program you "float" onto several units for several weeks to determine which one(s) you're interested in. After a certain time frame they ...
  3. New grad program at Sunrise Hospital

    I also applied to Sunrise's New Grad Program. I hope I hear something soon! I graduated in December 2010 from UNLV and several students from the class before mine were hired into a previous New Grad Residency program there. Most of them were hired...