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About NrsNikster

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  1. New grad RN and dialysis

    When I passed my boards two years ago, I applied to every hospital in my area. Nobody was hiring, especially for new grads. I went to a Fresenius one day a month after I passed my boards and was...
  2. Hello. As a new grad I was recently employed by FMS. And I must say I'm glad I took the position. I trained as a PCT and as a nurse with no dialysis experience and enjoyed ever bit of training that I...
  3. Help with the lymph nodes!

    Some of your lymph nodes you are not supposed to feel such as the ones in your armpit. But if they are palpable that is a sign of
  4. kaplan for nclex

    If I remember correctly I scored a 58% on my qbank and ranged from a 51-69% on my question trainers and my higher question trainers were #5,6,7. You'll do
  5. kaplan for nclex

    Study freak.... yes I did use Kaplan to prepare for my nclex and passed on the first time. I think without kaplan I probably wouldn't have passed. I highly depended on kaplan and used every single...
  6. med surg

    Med surg is a lot of material to remember. The way I remembered all the diseases and its process is in a specific order.... What it is... patho... clinical manifestations and s/s... treatments......
  7. Who is worried about their first test?

    Questions questions questions. oh did I say questions!?!?! As a RN, preparing for test in nursing school was very difficult, I must say. But please do as many questions as you can in regards to the...
  8. Prioritizing NDx help needed ASAP!

    I agree. Always remember your ABC's (airway, breathing, and circulation) in that order and you should be able to put them in the correct order. Oh!! and don't forget Risk for Infection in relation to...
  9. Do the right thing. Every time. No matter what.

    Kudos to you and your actions, but I'm curious to know what happened to
  10. Thank you all for all of your opinions. I will definitely take in consideration everything that is
  11. Hello everybody!! I need somebody's help right now. So, I received a call today from a recruiter from a staffing agency who looked at my resume and was impressed with the previous experience that I...
  12. Best Review Book for School/NCLEX

    Saunders comprehensive review.... The best to use through nursing school in my
  13. I PASSED YALL!!!! Yaaayyy!!! My experience...

    Don't give up! Keep studying! It'll all pay off at the
  14. hesi exit exam study books ?

    Oh yeah I forgot a lot of programs take a different hesi as entrance exams for nursing programs. I was referring about the comprehensive hesi that you take as a graduate exit exam that some nursing...
  15. hesi exit exam study books ?

    Well in my opinion the book is "ok"... It's just a big review book. But ALSO in my opinion the HESI is harder than the freaking NCLEX. I took the HESI several times (yes I said several) then...