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All Content by 2BRN123

  1. Too FAT to be a nurse?

    My current employment is in a gym for a Physician facilitated personal training program. If you want to lose weight here's my anecdotal advice: Losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a lifelong thing. Putting school on hold to do so w...
  2. An all time low for a new night shifter

    I heart night time stuff. It helps that I have alot of night-owl type friends. Its easier to live like that when you have other people to do stuff with during the odd hours. Wish I had a license and lived near you so I could pick em up and give you...
  3. Chem 1 vs Bio 1

    Def Bio. In micro and A&P you will likely have to understand at many things on a cellular level. They'll talk about chemicals and chemical bonds but most of the stuff we had to know chem wise was really just conceptual and not very detailed. Al...
  4. Favorite System

    Musculo-skeletal. All of those o,i,a,i and bone markings that everyone hates so much are mi favorito.
  5. Stop doing that and start soul searching to highlight what is RIGHT about you :) You sound like you're in the throws of the "pre-school panic mode". I went through this majorly (um and I kinda still am lol). Analyzed and dissected every word of my ...
  6. Is it part time or full time?
  7. Purchasing Textbooks? Best ways/cheapest?

    Go to the bookstore, really LOOK at the books. A lot of them have adjoining web access things that you need the code to use. I sold some of the one time use codes to friends in my classes, as, every website / code thinger that came along with my ne...
  8. Why bother...?

    I have a different instructor at an entirely different school all together. My first a & P professor was garbage and I don't feel like I learned enough, hence my use of "allegedly" in describing how much material we covered.
  9. Student Nurse Blogs!

    Theres an AN Blog option, perhaps you could consider doing it inside the AN website. I was thinking of doing so also once all my orientation stuff gets underway
  10. IS IT OKAY?!?!?

    Yes, babysteps for us pre-programmers. Then giant cottonfield walking steps once we're in!
  11. Not too shabby! If I were you i'd try to spread it out over 3 semesters. It stinks but, 4/6 class you have yet to take also have labs, which add a whole nother beast to the workload...or at least they did for me.
  12. so you'll have in the fall: Biochem, micro and a&p II. To me that would be a bit much, but I also have to work nearly full time. Depends on what else is going on in your life.
  13. Uhh You realize once you finish you're MA its not just a matter of getting healthcare "certifications". Doing what you're talking about is going to take YEARS....2+ for your BSN, then work experience (a lot of schools do not accept recent graduates...
  14. Career Change and need SERIOUS help

    My first question would be / is... How much student loan debt do you have from the undergrad and masters and are you going to be able to tack on a nursing degree and really be able to pay it all off when you're done? CNA money isn't going to be glamo...
  15. Why bother...?

    Well I should have been more clear, I'm not "retaking" it per say, but auditing it. So I still have to do the work and do the homework but my grade will not affect my GPA and unless I fail.
  16. Nursing is slavery Period!!!

    Yes, exactly like slavery except you get paid, have health benefits, can leave whenever you want to and don't have to live in one room in a tenement with 12 other people.
  17. Why bother...?

    HOLY SMOKES WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. I just took A&P I and left it with an A (A high one at that). Yet I am retaking it in the fall. Why? Our A&P textbook alone is over 1000 pages. We allegedly covered the first 450 or so. I don't feel l...
  18. Pregnancy: Before or After Nursing School

    Ok different perspective. I am an only child of a single mother (not quite your situation but stay with me here). I had a father-type figure around when I was a kid for quite a while. My mom chose to go back to school when I was around 4 years ol...
  19. A large (very large) CC system in my area recently dropped their entrance exam requirement as a part of their admissions process. It also appears that they don't require any type of essay or letters of recommendation. This was sort of off-putting t...
  20. Nursing Boundaries...can I go feed my patients cats?

    I second grntea. If this guys a hoarder there's probably food in all kinds of inappropriate places (mice, bugs, garbage...), as gross and as much of a bummer as that is. I've never heard of a cat dying without food for 24 hours....If that is the ca...
  21. Wow thanks for the responses! Lots of points systems going on. The local CC has a points system too but there are THOUSANDS of applicants to the program with limited spots so its kind of confusing what they do beyond that system. RLTinker had men...
  22. NM jinxing my job referrals??!

    Also be aware of your local and state laws regarding these types of things. Many states have provisions in place that do NOT allow former employers to offer information about the employee outside of a handful of questions (unless you listed them as ...
  23. Are there cliques in your nursing program?

    Lol, much like high school for me. This is the single reason I keep a facebook account. Can maintain contact with people from a safe disance away...
  24. I am about to enter the snake pit...please help

    You didn't have to take the TEAS prior to applying? Lucky you! Good luck with that and I'm glad your orientation went well. My first official one is Thursday the 7th
  25. HR lied to Unemployment!!

    So wait, did you ever get that 4th step/writeup? That in and of itself might be cause to deny your unemployment.