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All Content by BlueParis

  1. New RN off of orientation and stressed out!!!!!

    Hi Megan, it shows that you care deeply about your patients and your job, and that's a good thing. Your committment will reflect in your work, things will get better. =)
  2. My Nursing Career In Six Words

    "Keep your feet on the ground."
  3. Patricia Benner

    Thank you for the insight HouTx. After doing a little bit of research online, I have found that Benner adapted Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition specifically to nursing. I've attached some links, including the hospital link that I meant to include i...
  4. Patricia Benner

    Hi Kristy joyz, try this hospital's website, in the "Our Nurses" section. It offers a good breakdown and explanation of Benner's model "Novice to Expert." Hope it helps.