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All Content by daisy9980

  1. My Personal experience with seizures...

    Thanks alot everybody, I thought it was something important to post. Besides being a patient, I am going into the nursing feild. SO I really wanted to give my opinion and hopefully educate some people who are not very familiar with seizures. I kno...
  2. Grants for nursing school?

    I personally know at the Long Island BOCES that I am attending it is them who restricts alot of loans/grants. We can't apply for TAPS or anything. Just Pell Grant and certain boces approved loans. It is unfortunate, they almost want to make you sh...
  3. My Personal experience with seizures...

    Thank you, and Yankees do RULE!!! Tracy
  4. Seizure pts 101

    I just wanted to say that I myself had a seizure. I lost conciousness, urinated on myself, had tonic-clonic motions. I did not "foam at the mouth" and I did have an aura (luckily which told me something was wrong so I sat down) EEG cannot rule out Ep...
  5. Grants for nursing school?

    I just wanted to say I am doing BOCES LPN starting this wednesday and my course costs $10,000 I am wondering why such a difference in price I only got an $800 pell grant. I am looking into VESID to see if they can help me out due to the seizure di...
  6. Hello thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I did only have that one tonic clonic seizure as well. But I did have the abnormal EEG so that was enough for the neuro to put me on the Keppra. It makes me sluggish and a little foggy minded...
  7. This is my story. I applied for the LPN program at boces. I was accepted. In July I had what was called a Grand mal seizure. Aug 3-4 I had a 24 hour EEG. Just last week it came back and showed "suggestive borderline seizure activity, with spikin...
  8. Is there anyone else out there that can post on this subject. I was looking of as many opinions as possible. (from a nurses viewpoint) Does anyone know about the AED's that they put me on. I seem to be tolerating them pretty well, they just make m...
  9. Hi thanks for the great response. I am hoping that I will be able to acheive my goals in nursing school with everything going on right now with my health issue. Cross your fingers for me!!
  10. Hello everyone, my name is Tracy, my birthday is next thursday and I will be 24. Next wednesday I enter the LPN program at our local boces. I am very excited. I am an only child. I have 3 dogs who I love very much. A wonderful boyfriend of 5 years. I...
  11. What is a watch with a second hand?

    This is one of the funniest threads I have seen in my life!!! I am 23 and surely know what a second hand. Must be a funny! Tracy
  12. Lastly a special thank you to Roobarb` BULLETPROOFBARB who directed me to this forum. It is great and have a good night. I hope that school will not be too overwhelming for me while adjusting to my meds. Since you are all nurses let me ask you this...
  13. I love this forum, you guys are great and I look forward to many discussions with you in the future. School starts this wednesday so I have to get my rest and fun in before then Many thanks to all of you who replied, Tracy
  14. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your replies to my concerns...this is what happened this morning for me. So I called the school. So I called and stated "are there any medical restrictions/guidelines that would prohibit me from applying to this LPN program...