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  1. Where can I apply?

    Thank you both! Do you know if I would need to apply to the school and then apply to the program or just apply to the program? I would think the former, but I'm not sure.
  2. which college do i choose?

    It's really up to you to decide that, no one here can tell you what to choose. If it were *me* however, I would choose the community college. Mainly because it's probably a lot cheaper than a University and if they have a nursing program you can stay...
  3. Where can I apply?

    I am currently doing pre-reqs at a local community college that has an ASN program. When it comes time to apply to the nursing program can I only apply to my school's program or can I apply to different school's programs as well to up my odds of gett...
  4. A&P

    It depends on how well you can handle multiple classes. Anatomy and Physiology is a heavy course. There is a lot of studying involved. I dedicated 4-6 hours a DAY the week before the test. But I also took it in the summer where it was 8 weeks instead...