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  1. low score in kaplan. suggest me pls

    I scored around the same scores with my Kaplan Review Course Question Trainers. I ended up getting 265 questions on NCLEX and passed it. One thing I did do was review over the rationales. So if you...
  2. Kaplan confuses the HEEZY outta me!!!!

    The only strategy I took from Kaplan was always assume the worst...which now that I think about it, I cant remember if that was Kaplan or HURST. And always assess first...I KNOW that one is a Kaplan...
  3. Do you shower right after your shift?

    My first official week on the floor, I didnt shower until the next morning when it was time to go to work. Needless to say I got contact dermatitis on my arms that spread to my legs and stomach in 3...
  4. Gearing Up to Take NCLEX for 5th Time

    Good luck! You can do this...Pray to God for peace of mind and calmness and you will succeed!! Go for a walk before you take your test to clear your mind, eat healthy...and try some yoga the days...
  5. NCLEX 2nd Time

    What are you doing to prepare? Are you using any review courses? If so, please read over the
  6. Thanks for sharing this and inspriing others. Good luck on your next
  7. PLEASE HELP!!! taking NCLEX-RN in 1 week

    Read over the rationales from Kaplan...and if you can, do the tests again. Also do the alternative questions test in Kaplan. I found that the rationales really helped me understand the material a lot...
  8. Endocrine system, need help

    The endocrine portion of HURST is what I really focused on because it was one of my weak areas and it really helped! If you could just some how find this one section of HURST, it may reinforce your...
  9. Pearson Vue Registration Receipt?

    I got this same pop up...i ended up trying to register again and long story short...just call them in 2 days. I called and spole directly to a customer service person and they helped me out. Hope this...
  10. Congrats!!! I got 265 questions as well and passed
  11. How long did you study?

    I graduated May 14th, took a 4 day review course the following week, took about 11 days off to have some fun, then and studied consistantly starting on June 3rd tilk test day on June 15th...took two...
  12. Kaplan Review

    I think everyones experiences with Kaplan are different. I used Kaplan and HURST, but mainly focused on Kaplan...I averaged late 50s on all the question trainers. I took my NCLEX on June 15, 2011 and...
  13. Nurse Heather, how many questions did you get on your second attempt? I also took mine on 6-15-11 and got 265 questions and passed. However, I did not do the trick because I wouldnt be able to handle...
  14. You should try Kaplan...the questions are similar and they really do help! Good
  15. Thanks again, everyone! aredenyf: My mom actually gve me that verse to read the night before my test and I fell in love with it! And I have had several of my friends say Kaplan is the best thing as...