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All Content by jazzystudent

  1. Not ur usual ADNvsBSN ?? please answer

    Ok so my question is whether I should even bother with my ASN or go straight for my BSN? First let me say that i plan to go all the way to a PHD in nursing so I am not so much asking whether I will have the same pay or rank as a higher degree holder ...
  2. Not ur usual ADNvsBSN ?? please answer

    Hi, Thanks for your quick response as i need all the help i can get. However maybe I explained something incorrectly. I am not an LPN I am still an undergrad student trying to decide whether getting an aas in nursing(RN) with a year is worth me doing...
  3. Loewenberg School of nursing- university of memphis

    I am replying to you because you offered your assistance but everyone else please feel free to reply as well. First off i want to say i commend all you ladies for picking nursing as a goal and sticking with it. We all know it is defnitely not a walk...