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  1. Nclex RN boards on Tues June 28th!!! Ahhhhhhh!

    I passed!!! Found out this morning when I called my board of nursing! Pearson worked for
  2. Nclex RN boards on Tues June 28th!!! Ahhhhhhh!

    100% of the class from my school last year said the trick worked 100% of the time. Everybody passed, got the good pop up. The one person that failed, was sent to the credit card screen. I know it...
  3. Nclex RN boards on Tues June 28th!!! Ahhhhhhh!

    Ok, I took my boards today and my test seems very similar to yours. Mine cut off at 75, I walked out of the testing center and started crying, I thought for sure I absolutely failed it. I did the...
  4. Nclex today-felt like the twilight zone!

    I took mine today too and I'm so afraid of trying the trick and it showing me the bad pop up. It was just awful...I had bunches of meds and priority questions...a few
  5. NSBN

    It seems like you've already done the bulk of your studying. If you want another source, I would highly recommend the Prioritization book 2nd edition by LaCharity....nlclex lovesss those types of...
  6. How to study for NCLEX??

    123wanna be a nurse: thanks so much for the kaplan internet website. i never thought of trying to google it. let the studying continue p.s. congrats on passing that is
  7. How to study for NCLEX??

    Hey guys! I recently graduated from my diploma nursing school May 20th and received my ATT letter to test on June 28th. I've been doing review questions everyday and reading over content that I'm weak...