
critical care

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All Content by ixchel

  1. ixchel

    Document Everything!

    This thread bump wins the interwebs!!!
  2. ixchel

    New grad - PCU or ED?

    The certifications you have that will expire without you getting hours in for them can be maintained with a per diem position. Again, I recommend waiting until you're more comfortable as a nurse, but otherwise, if in year two you get a per diem spot,...
  3. KTS sounds complicated. What is the malformation? Stranger Things is what would happen if Spielberg directed a Stephen King movie set in the 80s. Only it's a show. And you'll binge the whole damn thing in one day. I'm sorry you got stuck with an am...
  4. ixchel

    New grad - PCU or ED?

    This is not at all a dumb set of questions. You'll have the whole range - complete care, assisted care, and fully independent. You will have techs to delegate this to, but you will also participate in the activities. When I'm on nights, I actually li...
  5. New thread! :) https://allnurses.com/showpost.php?p=9123140
  6. ixchel

    New grad - PCU or ED?

    The variety. It's a small hospital, so we get every type of organ dysfunction. The chaos, though many days I'd prefer a little less. You have stable patients, you have unstable patients. Night shifts. Because they taught me how to KNOW stable from u...
  7. ixchel

    New grad - PCU or ED?

    If you don't like adult inpatient care, you will hate PCU. However, remember you've been exposed as a student. You might feel differently with a bit more autonomy. I know I did, and I was going to be the best CNM the world had ever seen. :) I'm a PCU...
  8. I recently learned of a case in which a person received a head injury that severely injured both the frontal lobe and the superior longitudinal fasciculus. Some time after, the person was diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder. Young person,...
  9. That nurse seriously needed to chill out. Seriously?! Last time I checked, normal systolic BP is 90-120. I still have not figured out why nurses freak out over SBPs that are 90-110. 90-110 is BEAUTIFUL! What the heck! Giving a BP med with a SBP of 10...
  10. This current week has not received a WILTW. I hope all can forgive me! If it's alright, lets keep this one rolling, and next week we'll pick up where we left off!
  11. "Excuse me, sir/ma'am? May I climb you like a tree?" :) Another excellent OP, a&o! Thank you so, so much! I absolutely love it when students do these OPs because we get some excellent physio and patho lessons. I'm such a dork for physiology and p...
  12. IXCHEL IN DA HOWWWWSSSSEEE!!!! Okay, not entirely since my back still sucks, but still... I've gotten my lazy brain wrapped around hosting this shindig for a good go-'round. How are you all this week? It's been a weird few weeks. Well, to be fair, it...
  13. Honest to god, THIS is where protocols SHOULD be, but instead we get protocols for stupid crap, taking away their autonomy when it should be allowed.
  14. And if the provider does happen to feel bothered, maybe they should pay better attention while putting in orders. :) What gets me is when each doctor within a specialty feels passionately about something, only they have opposite opinions. NPO before...
  15. I just want to hug you. I've come to realize in the last several months that I get triggered by DV/abuse/neglect patients, and I don't do well handling it. Adult inpatient, it is very rare I am able to impact a resolution to the situation. We send th...
  16. I hope you get better quickly, Cheerios!
  17. Thank you so very much! He managed to tolerate the doxy very well. All signs of rash gone. No fevers or body aches. He's back to torturing Girl Child. (That last part is not so nice. :\)
  18. How about a compromise: AN remains effable, while its posters remain ineffable.
  19. ixchel

    What Nurses really Want to Say When They Chart

    That would get a big ol' NO ORDERS RECEIVED from me!
  20. https://allnurses.com/showpost.php?p=9099086 New thread!
  21. Ahhhhhhhhh YAAAASSSSSSSS!!!!!! I love Zachary Quinto so damn much!
  22. ixchel

    How You Can Lose 50 Pounds In 90 Days

    I was going to mention Biggest Loser! That show turned out to be a horrible disaster, wrecking the bodies of the contestants, who often went on to gain it all back.
  23. I live in the US, and here, if a doctor writes a discharge order and a patient refuses to leave, insurance (private or public) may choose not to pick up the bill if the patient can't justify a medical need to stay. (To be honest, though, the doctors...
  24. ixchel

    Question about a patient refusing discharge

    Come join us on the dark side!!! We have cookies :)
  25. ixchel

    Nursing student asks nurses the question..

    I disagree with only one thing - the STUDENT is the most responsible for their own learning.