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  1. Going back to school!

    Hi all! I'm starting the FNP program in a couple of weeks and I must admit...I'm kind of nervous! I've been an RN for 3 years, but it feels like I've been out of school for a long time. I will be...
  2. But it's MY medical information

    My situation is kind of different because there is no doctor involved. This was a titer that a job agency required in order for me to start a contract, and now they say I cannot have a copy of it...
  3. But it's MY medical information

    So I can insist on it until they give it to me? I think this is ridiculous. They paid for it, but it was my blood. Can they LEGALLY withold this kind of
  4. Hi everyone, Happy hump day :) My story is that I was recently sent to a lab by a nursing agency for some blood work and when I asked for a copy of those lab results, they tell me they can't release...
  5. Hi Raindrop, Is this your first job interview? Don't be nervous, just be yourself and be professional. Answer the questions honestly and don't forget to also ask your questions, especially about what...
  6. Licensing

    Thank You! I will call them on monday to find out how I can make it inactive. Funny you should mention applying for endorsement at a third state, because I am planning on moving out West to California...
  7. Licensing

    Hi everyone! I moved to Florida about 2 years ago and got my license here by endorsement..I was licensed in MA before that. My MA license expired and I did not renew it because I am now practicing in...
  8. would you finish work from previoius shift?

    It's all true. It's a 24 hour job that requires good communication from shift to shift. I work evenings so I often come on and have to catch up on work that was left behind from the day shift. By the...
  9. Lowest of the Low

    I'm sorry for what you're going through. I've only been out of school for a little over a year myself and couldn't imagine being able to go through your situation right now. I hope everything works...
  10. Live and med error!

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I am new RN, only been out of school for 1 year, and it is nice to learn that we're all doing our best for patients' safety and our own sanity. I try my best to...
  11. Peripheral IV's

    Hi yall! I'm a new grad still on my 3rd week of orientation on a med/surg/tele floor. Today I started my first IV's with a success rate of 4 out of 6 or so. I have watched a couple of nurses start...
  12. NCLEX says I am competent

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Yupiiiiiiiiiiiii! Now please don't forget to keep praying for people like me who are still going to take the NCLEX.....I will be taking mine sometime in July....any advice from...
  13. Hi people! Hope you're all doing well! I was wondering if anyone works at Emerson Hospital, in Concord, MA....or if know anyone that works there or if you have heard anything about their...
  14. Nclex Exam 6 times

    I also want to congratulate you!! WOW! You've got perseverance and strong will! :yeah: I'm getting ready to take the NCLEX soon and after hearing your story I know that not passing it on the first...
  15. How do I get Texas RN license?

    There are FAQ on the BON website. Some important info that I found was that you should send in your licensure application 90 days prior to your graduation date. After that, you send in your affidavit...