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All Content by new_grad

  1. Question about Licenses!

    Check out this website: Since you say the Texas BON says you're not licensed in the compact states, it sounds as if you applied and received an endorsement on your Massachusetts license to work in Texas....
  2. The in's and out's of a casual position?

    The way I've known temporary agencies to work best is for you to give your company set days when you are available, say M-F, or Th-Mon, or only days - whatever days/shifts work for you. Also, be very clear with them about your strengths and weaknesse...
  3. New grad and scared to work

    Same boat. Same med checks. Same terrified feeling of messing up. I've talked about it with a few of my instructors and they all say they've made med errors and anyone who says they haven't is lying. Um, am I cheering you up yet? An interesting thin...
  4. Feeling stupid.. :(

    OKAY ROOKIELPN88, START YOUR ENGINES! This is where the rubber meets the road. You repeat after me: "I KNOW MORE THAN I THINK I DO." Now, believe it and get to work on remembering it! Because you admit you didn't pound the stuff into your brain in sc...
  5. Just graduated! For the past few years, as I did pre-requisites and entered nursing school, everyone has said nursing is a growing profession. "You'll have no trouble finding work!" Well, guess what? It feels like facilities are drunk with power in...
  6. New grad applicant - being asked for too much info!

    Precisely. I can tell you are trying to make me feel better about giving out the information, and I do appreciate your taking the time to post. :redpinkhe:redpinkhe But still... as a matter of principle, potential employers should not ask for informa...
  7. New grad applicant - being asked for too much info!

    Yes, critical thinking is definitely one of my strong points! I'm just as picky about the information I give out on my behalf as I am about the information I give out on a patient. Who needs it? Why? Is it appropriate? What will they do with it? Wh...
  8. New grad applicant - being asked for too much info!

    Thanks for the tip!
  9. New grad applicant - being asked for too much info!

    Thank you for your reply. You bet, I've read lots of threads (this is actually an anonymous account because I wanted to vent - but I've been on this site for at least three years). I understand the economy. It's because of the economy that I feel the...
  10. New grad applicant - being asked for too much info!

    Thank you for the reassurance. I feel you hit the nail on the head in your reply though. If they're not going to make any calls or run any background checks before inviting me for an interview then why are they asking for all of my information? Espec...
  11. New grad applicant - being asked for too much info!

    Yes, for job applications, but not for screening processes, which is what these all are. If I had an interview first, and then was asked for the information, I would have no problem giving them exactly what they wanted, and more.