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All Content by Pra1515

  1. UTMB Fall 2011 Applicants

    It takes them that long to figure out the process :)
  2. UTMB Fall 2011 Applicants

    You need to call them, the same thing happened to me... I finally emailed and demanded a response and they had actually mailed my letter almost three months ago to a wrong address. Uugh!!
  3. UTMB Fall 2011 Applicants

    Hi my application was supposedly submitted on March 01, 2011... I still had not heard anything on Thursday I sent an email demanding a response, that sent back and said they sent my letter back in the middle of May "to the wrong address" So here I ha...
  4. UTMB Fall 2011 Applicants

    I know the feeling, last semester when I applied they actually did loose my application and If I hadn't stayed on top of it I would of never know. Supposedly my application was sent over in the middle of March per enrollment services but I still have...
  5. UTMB Fall 2011 Applicants

    I also emailed today and they said they were still receiving applications from enrollment services and are hoping to have everything finalized by next week...Uugh!!