I know its off topic but we're nurses we do not diagnose CHF, or anything of the sort. I know where you are coming from here, but ....... Also how can the public possibly percieve nursing when...
Erin, both area's have a hospital they are smaller but decent. Neither are trauma centers. All high acuity pt's either go to Harrisburg or York. kelly Actually the level one trauma in the area is...
maybe I'm crazy here, but how about what would the patient want. Not what the family wants, not what JCAHO wants, not what Billy Bo Bob Bush wants. What does the patient want, shouldn't this sort of...
I don't know about other areas, but we definitely take students without any clinical put them some classes for a few weeks then assign them to RN's to learn the ropes. I was one and also have...
Look into your local hospitals many of them have what my facility calls a nurse extern. even while you are in prereqs you can learn life in several depts and get paid for it. They actually teach you...
Sorry but I think that reply was slightly out of line. 1 nursing students need to help each other learn. 2 It is NEVER too soon to be a patient advocate. The insulin thing still befuddles me would...
forgot the most important thing the number of staff total higher acuity requires more licened staff in general. Higher staff numbers = better moral for staff, but lower cash flow for
just guessing at what you're asking here. As far as safety goes the more staff the less likely injuries are to occur in pts or nurses from what I've read. Cost wise nurses are expensive NLAP's...
rsh3rn replied to greensleeves's topic in Men in Nursing
Don't try to make yourself out as a victim here Greensleeves you just questioned the motivation of a person who has chosen a particular calling, to expect anything less then an emotional reply is...
rsh3rn replied to greensleeves's topic in Men in Nursing
speechless, furious, and generally offended. sounds like our troll had some form of freudian hang up JMO but for the record there is a similar thread here about males and revealing procedures. I...